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RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jul-26-2010

'thul please don't say you made a kayak out of your own toenail clippings!!!
I'm guessing maybe...... wood?

Farseer thanks for your kind words of encouragement! Blushing

I think I like that bowl I made on the wheel best too!
It gives it such a nice neat look.....
Unfortunately my last session on the wheel was quite frustrating and not much seemed to go right.... but I did make one thing I'm very happy with.

I can think of lots of things I could be making, but just never enough time. Plant pots are something I can really use though - and buying one of just the right size, shape and colour is so hard.

Yay your pinch pots made from creek mud!! We have a VERY clayey soil here, and I often wonder if we could make something from it!

Wow a home made kiln would be great!
I tell myself I'd make all sorts if I had my own kiln..... but not sure how accurate that is!

RE: Arts & Crafts - 'thul - Jul-26-2010

The frame is mostly wood. The shell is a special type of cloth covered in linseed oil.

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jul-28-2010

Sounds good! I need to improve my skills at making useful stuff out of wood etc....

On the pottery front, here's my latest efforts....

Hmm pinch pots aren't my forte....
[Image: 39489_1549417775940_1249962217_1482805_7652854_n.jpg]

I made this one on the wheel then added decoration by hand ..... I'm pretty happy with this one! Proud

[Image: 38081_1549418055947_1249962217_1482810_6682324_n.jpg]
[Image: 38081_1549418015946_1249962217_1482809_5357330_n.jpg]

RE: Arts & Crafts - 'thul - Jul-28-2010

That looks better than any pottery these beings have ever made.

Currently these beings are constructing a trolley for their kayak.

RE: Arts & Crafts - Farseer - Jul-31-2010

(Jul-28-2010, 01:17 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I made this one on the wheel then added decoration by hand ..... I'm pretty happy with this one! Proud

I'd be proud too Clapping - VERY nice!

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jan-22-2011

More pottery fun ...... here's one of the two tiles I made to put next to our bathroom mirror.... the amazing thing is they are the right size for the spot they need to fit into! (there is a shrinkage factor that you need to (a) calculate and (b) pray that it conforms to!)
I'm also happy with the colours, as I mixed them up with guesswork!
I should put up a pic when I actually have them in place...

[Image: 149638_1730840911405_1249962217_1902962_5288508_n.jpg]

RE: Arts & Crafts - Farseer - Jan-22-2011

(Jan-22-2011, 06:02 AM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: here's one of the two tiles I made to put next to our bathroom mirror....

It looks AMAZING, Nuytsia (and very Australian/country) - LOVE IT Wub !!!

(Jan-22-2011, 06:02 AM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I should put up a pic when I actually have them in place...

Yes, please!

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jan-22-2011

Thanks! Blushing

I love having nature themed things in the house!

What I really want to do also is have curtains the same colour as the gum leaves on the trees outside the window.... but you have no idea how hard it is to find an exact shade of green! I thought it would be easy.
(oh not in the bathroom! in the lounge room)

RE: Arts & Crafts - 'thul - Jan-23-2011

This one has recently been working on its second walking stick. 'thul mostly uses it to turn on/off the lights without standing up, but it is starting to look nice...

About 1m 65 cm in length, about 3cm thick on average, and alternating bands of bare, sanded wood and wood still covered by the original bark... Eventually these beings will burn designs into it, but none yet.

These beings also recently painted a name on a kettle belonging to a student organization using a custom human-hair brush. (no regular brushes of decent quality and size were available...)

However, due to the lack of a camera, no picture can be posted...

RE: Arts & Crafts - Farseer - Jan-23-2011

(Jan-23-2011, 12:06 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: About 1m 65 cm in length,

About as long as I am high, 'thul! P

Your projects sound very satisfying. *sigh* One day I will place my patchwork quilt up higher on my list of priorities! I am working on an embroidery project with my daughter though, so that's something.

From where do you beings purchase human-hair paintbrushes? Specialty art suppliers? And here was I thinking it was kind of unusual my having a pig's bristle hairbrush!

Re the colour of gum leaves...I would love to have curtains of such a colour as well, Nuytsia!

Off to the shed with my husband to make wooden bathmats from wooden floorboards taken from the old homestead. Smiling