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RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-20-2011

you should try acquiring that movie 'thul mentioned over in that favorite movie thread... its not quite animation, but its a predecessor (stop-action)

RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Feb-20-2011

(Feb-20-2011, 04:32 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Okay, notch that up to things I hate that others like…titles and competitions like ‘Mum of the Year’ etc. Rant Even movie and books awards annoy me (despite the fact that I happily voted for RH’s books in a recent comp Big Grin !). Why do we have to be told we are "the best"?!


Oh, and Johnny Depp? I can't sit through a movie he's in, no matter what it is! I think I am the only female on the planet who feels that way! Big Grin

Mum of the year? That kind of stuff gives me the heebie jeebies. Concerning Depp: I have actually never seen him in anything else than Pirates of the Caribbean. Oh wait, I have, in Chocolat. That was a rather nice movie.

I should add that actually liking fantasy or SF is a pretty unpopular opinion in certain circles. And yet another movie that I hated: Prince of Persia. Apparently it was well received, especially for a video game movie, but I thought it was one of the most horrible movies I had seen in a long time. Stick to the games, those are actually worth playing.

RE: Unpopular opinions - Farseer - Feb-20-2011

Will do, 'thul beings. Smiling

(Feb-20-2011, 05:07 PM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote: I should add that actually liking fantasy or SF is a pretty unpopular opinion in certain circles.

So true, especially within most of my circles!! What I find jaw-dropping is that people question my intelligence based solely on an "I like reading fantasy books" admission, no matter how long they've known me (so, I must admit, I don't do it often)!!

With this in mind, can you imagine what some of them have said when I've told them I'm going to meet a fantasy author at a Pop Culture Expo in April?! You'd swear I was a leper! P

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-20-2011

You're a leper?!? Good thing leprosy does not infect across the internet...


RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Feb-21-2011

(Feb-20-2011, 04:32 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: I agree with you redchild re shopping, especially for clothes. I even had a man get really upset with me a few times in one conversation recently, and he even went so far as to question my femininity (!!), because I declared that I hated shopping! Uhhuh I go to a shop to buy what I need to buy and I get out. If I can do it, I’ll order it from town and have my mailman bring it out rather than have to go into town and shop for it myself! Shopping for books though, is a whole different thing altogether.

Same here. I always know where the exits are in a clothing store, rather than where the men's section is, or the women's. Ten minutes in a clothing/department store feels like an hour. Meanwhile I can spend an hour in a bookstore but only feel like ten minutes have passed.

Quote:For many people there is only sport but for just as many, sport is a small facet of who they are. Maybe I’ve just been around too many sports-mad people all my life…no doubt living in Australia has much to do with it also…if you don’t watch or play sport, your level of patriotism or right to be in our country is severely questioned!! Smiling

I just find the fact that you must support the city's sports team for no other reason than you live there, utterly illogical and ridiculous. Team members get traded off all the time, so it's not really love for the players, but to demonstrate loyalty to some sort of abstraction...

...Like patriotism! Just because I was born in this country, I have to LOVE its government? Why should I "support the troops" when the people who are commanding the troops are incompetent idiots?! Such forced patriotism is an artificial 'love' that is really just another form of control.

Quote:Oh, oh, and well done meat? I can't eat it any other way, though germs have nothing to do with it...I just prefer it that way, a bit like how I prefer strawberry milk over chocolate? As for restaurants, I eat so much red meat here that I always order seafood when I get an opportunity to eat out! P

That's okay, so long as it's not out of an illusory fear of germs Big Grin

Oh, another food related thing I don't like is fat-phobia. That pat of butter in the frying pan isn't going to kill you-- the stressing out that there is butter in the pan is going to kill you!

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-21-2011

So long as you do not eat too much of anything, nor too little of anything (except poisons and other such goods prepared by a certain Mr. Fallstar) you should stay fairly healthy. But keeping yourself active is also needed for you humans. Your fragile bodies tend to go soft if you do not.

RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Feb-21-2011

I wonder how good Chade's cupcakes are. Can he make a killer chicken pot pie? (I'm sure he can.)

RE: Unpopular opinions - Nuytsia - Feb-21-2011

My god so much to comment on in this topic.......

I will start with
(Feb-21-2011, 01:04 AM (UTC))redchild Wrote: Oh, another food related thing I don't like is fat-phobia. That pat of butter in the frying pan isn't going to kill you-- the stressing out that there is butter in the pan is going to kill you!

TOTALLY .... what I hate especially is the huge popularity of low fat milk! What the? Regular milk is like 3.5% fat so what's the point of reducing it to like 1% and making it taste like crap!?

RE: Unpopular opinions - Farseer - Feb-23-2011

(Feb-21-2011, 01:04 AM (UTC))redchild Wrote: That's okay, so long as it's not out of an illusory fear of germs Big Grin

No, the germ family and I are quite good friends really!! I do have to say though, redchild, that I will never again be able to cook red meat without thinking of you and, living on a cattle station, that means I'll most likely think of you, oh, six days out of every seven! P

I do have to come back to our other "meat" discussion one day re guilt when a million other replies I must make when I can actually make some time to think!

(Feb-21-2011, 01:04 AM (UTC))redchild Wrote: Oh, another food related thing I don't like is fat-phobia. That pat of butter in the frying pan isn't going to kill you-- the stressing out that there is butter in the pan is going to kill you!

I agree with this as well as Nuytsia's dislike of low fat products, and will add sugar-free to the list. I am sure most people would be mortified at the levels of rubbish that I ingest...if it doesn't have sugar, full cream milk , salt or butter in/on it, it's not worth intaking (though not always all four at the same time!). I can't imagine going through life without those little extras...

One thing that seems to be sweeping our nation that I absolutely detest at the moment is the testing of our students. While testing has been around forever, and serves a purpose at times, it has reached ridiculous heights within the last couple of years. Forget the testing, do the TEACHING, and the test results will then take care of themselves!!! I am weary of children being taught a skill just for the purpose of passing a test rather than to gain full mastery over the concept, and a letter or number defining a person while all other skills and contributions are swept aside makes me crazy. Yes, it's great to be provided with a snap-shot or overview but does a test result, like an award have to define a person?? Rant (I love this little rant guy...and can only pop him in if I have a rant! Smiling )

RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Feb-23-2011

(Feb-23-2011, 03:41 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: No, the germ family and I are quite good friends really!! I do have to say though, redchild, that I will never again be able to cook red meat without thinking of you and, living on a cattle station, that means I'll most likely think of you, oh, six days out of every seven! P


(Feb-21-2011, 01:04 AM (UTC))redchild Wrote: Oh, another food related thing I don't like is fat-phobia. That pat of butter in the frying pan isn't going to kill you-- the stressing out that there is butter in the pan is going to kill you!

I agree with this as well as Nuytsia's dislike of low fat products, and will add sugar-free to the list. I am sure most people would be mortified at the levels of rubbish that I ingest...if it doesn't have sugar, full cream milk , salt or butter in/on it, it's not worth intaking (though not always all four at the same time!). I can't imagine going through life without those little extras...[/quote]

Ugh, sugar free sweeteners taste so bad. Also their safety is dubious and is still under debate.

I've had Blue Agave syrup recommended to use as sweetener as it's lower on the glycemic index than sugar or honey, so there would be a smaller spike in blood sugar levels.

Quote:One thing that seems to be sweeping our nation that I absolutely detest at the moment is the testing of our students. While testing has been around forever, and serves a purpose at times, it has reached ridiculous heights within the last couple of years. Forget the testing, do the TEACHING, and the test results will then take care of themselves!!! I am weary of children being taught a skill just for the purpose of passing a test rather than to gain full mastery over the concept, and a letter or number defining a person while all other skills and contributions are swept aside makes me crazy. Yes, it's great to be provided with a snap-shot or overview but does a test result, like an award have to define a person?? Rant (I love this little rant guy...and can only pop him in if I have a rant! Smiling )

Don't get me started on education Rant

I don't know how it is in Australia but the US education system is already swamped in this sort of ridiculous mindset. The system only cares about pumping out higher test scores by lowering the standards by which students are being tested at. Rote memorization and studying only that which is listed in the standards is churning out legions of zombies with test-taking skills. What kind of job requires "test-taking" as a vital skill? The bias in the material *required* by the state for students to "master" only serves to train citizens to accept what they are given and not to question them (otherwise you lose a point!)

George Carlin puts it better than I can:

He uses some strong language, so NSFW!