2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Printable Version

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RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Farseer - Sep-25-2012

I shall relate that message to my son, 'thul beings...seeing as he was the one who bought it! P

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Sep-25-2012


'thul are only mildly biased against apple...

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - londonlassie - Oct-02-2012

(Sep-25-2012, 09:18 AM (UTC))finella Wrote: Ophelia would also love it, I bet.

I bet she would, especially if she'd found someone to recarve her hair... Proud

(Sep-23-2012, 10:33 PM (UTC))fool-ish Wrote: I'll have to go with Lord Golden P

...but I think I'd have to go with fool-ish on this one. Lord Golden would probably love the attention.

Although Sintara would also be a likely option.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - fool-ish - Oct-02-2012

Big Grin Strike a pose, m'lord!

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Albertosaurus Rex - Oct-23-2012

Guys, a few previews can be seen here, including the back of the calendar which shows small images of all the characters. I can't really make out who Hobb's character is, though. Is that the Pale Woman?

Also, N. K. Jemisin's blog (NSFW) has a huge preview image of her featured character, Oree Shoth from the Inheritance trilogy, which you should totally check out, because it's awesome. (The trilogy is awesome, I mean, although the picture's pretty hot too.)

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Oct-23-2012

It certainly is a female character, thats for sure. Might be the pale woman, but what color was her hair? wasn't that pure white?

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - joost - Oct-23-2012

(Oct-23-2012, 07:47 AM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote: I can't really make out who Hobb's character is, though. Is that the Pale Woman?
Looks like Malta with her elderling-crest.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - finella - Oct-23-2012

(Oct-23-2012, 08:36 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: It certainly is a female character, thats for sure. Might be the pale woman, but what color was her hair? wasn't that pure white?

Yes, she was completely white-haired (as far as I know).

I'm with Joost. Could be Malta.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Farseer - Oct-23-2012

(Sep-23-2012, 04:58 PM (UTC))thul Wrote: These beings think it could be an Elderling. They are the most unique of the character types of the tangle leader appearance-wise.

Well, you didn't say which one, and I expect that you thought more of one of the keepers than Malta but, you were still right with your guess, 'thul beings! Clapping

Thanks for the updates, AR - good stuff! Thankful

Doh! My first post didn't post as I checked out your post just prior to posting, finella. Down

Trying again...!

Yes, I agree that it has to be Malta, joost. It certainly looks like a scarlet crest (though not as how I pictured it) and her hair is also gold. Whilst Malta's hair *was* originally black, it had changed by CoD in line with her other Elderling transformations, as discussed previously in the Malta thread. I will copy/paste the relevant point re her hair colour change here though:

(Jul-22-2012, 10:21 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Something was bugging me about this change in Malta's hair colour so I had to go and check another little niggle that I recalled from CoD...and came across what I was looking for in Chapter Nine, 'Return to Cassarick' (page 219 in my version). I think things will be explained there...

EDIT: Will put the quote here for those not able to go and have a look: *City of Dragons spoiler*

Based on this, I do believe that it has to be a depiction of Malta out of all of the Hobb characters. I must admit though that I got the feeling that Malta was far less vain in CoD than previously?

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Oct-23-2012

Malta had matured somewhat in CoD. She was less vain then, yes...

How did these beings not notice the crest on that image?

Anyways, it is not how 'thul thought it would look either.

As for the guess, if you guess vaguely enough, you're quite certain to be correct. These beings had also forgotten that malta's hair changed...

The image doesn't seem to fit perfectly with Malta, unless of course it is set to have been made sometime in liveships, when her transformation was still not that extensive.