National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - Printable Version

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RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - Atthis - Oct-23-2010

Thanks for posting that recipe, Nuytsia. I'll definitely give it a go soon. But I'm having some problems with my oven at the moment, so I'll have to get it fixed first (the door's not closing properly, and it won't keep temperature!).

(Oct-22-2010, 01:44 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I am beginning to wonder if there is something quite different about Australian rye flour, as this is not the only recipe I've attempted in which the dough/starter seemed WAY too dry and I had to add a lot more water (or use less flour) than the recipe said.

It's funny you say that, because I feel this way about most bread (or flour-based) recipes I've tried. I've started only adding 3/4 of the recommended flour, then adding more if I need it. I thought it might have something to with the inaccuracy of measuring cups. I've compared my three different measuring cups (too much time on my hands Big Grin), and there seems to be at least a 20ml difference when I fill to the 250ml line!

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - Nuytsia - Oct-25-2010

Hope your oven is all better soon !

Hey with the measurements of flour I did find out recently from one of Farseer's posts that there is a slight difference between US cups and Australian cups!
Maybe some of your cups are made in USA and others elsewhere?
But if they all have "250mL" marked on them I guess it's not that..... just a bit dodgily made I guess. Gees I should check mine! Undecided

I can't recall if this is always the case but the last few times I have used rye flour I measured it by weight instead of volume. A lot of bread recipes recommend doing that, but when I actually think about it I don't really see the logic. They say it's more accurate and I think one of the reasons cited is that flour varies in its moisture content depending on various factors. Now I'm not sure that variations in moisture content would affect volume more than weight, in fact I'd think it's the other way around!
I am beginning to think I've been hoodwinked!!!
I'm going to use volume from now on methinks.

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - Farseer - Feb-22-2012

Now I KNEW there was a more appropriate thread to ask my bread question (one from yonks ago), rather than putting it in the recipes thread! 22

My son has been introducing some American university students to many of our you-cannot-live-without Aussie 'staples' and this has all made me want to come here and ask...what foods from home would you miss while you were on an extended overseas trip?

I think I'd be feeling like I was dangling above death's door if I had to live without

Milo (I drink copious amounts every day!)
Tim Tams

and I would very much miss

Golden Circle red cordial
ANZAC biscuits

*Capital letters for brand names! P*

So, I'd pretty much miss junk really!

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - fool-ish - Feb-22-2012

Fresh cream cakes
Half rice, half chips and curry sauce from the local Chinese chippy
Pickled onion flavour crisps
Cheese Melts
A proper cup o' tea

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - 'thul - Feb-22-2012

Dragon-style "cooking"... Very quick, simple and efficient.

Meal name: Hunko'deer.
Ingredients: 1 deer
Locate deer.
approach without alerting it.
Swoop down and snap its neck.

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - fool-ish - Feb-22-2012

Oh deer

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - 'thul - Feb-22-2012

*looks up from eating deer*
a most chucklesome word-play, little human.

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - fool-ish - Feb-22-2012

I don't feel human...I feel lop-sided!

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - 'thul - Feb-22-2012

You look human, human.

RE: National cuisines (recipes welcome!) - fool-ish - Feb-22-2012

You need to re-scry!