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RE: Unpopular opinions - Nuytsia - Feb-27-2011

I have no idea what the current state of the education system is here (Australia) but I blame too many tests for my terrible long-term memory!
After 12 years of cramming the night before to get a good score on tests and then letting the information drain out of my brain after the test I have hardwired my brain to be excellent at retaining knowledge for 24 hours!
Ok well I could have paid more attention throughout the term rather than cramming, but who would do such a thing!

RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Feb-28-2011

I feel that I must mention a tv series you may have heard of: Joss Whedon's Firefly. It was cancelled after just 14 episodes but it become a big hit when it came out on DVD. I watched a number of episodes when it was on Dutch tv, but I found it utterly boring. However, I really like the movie Serenity that was later based on the series. How's that for an odd opinion?

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-28-2011

Some movies are much better than their series (and visa versa). These beings have not seen the series, but they too enjoyed the movie Serenity.

RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Feb-28-2011

That is what always baffles me about Star Trek. I rather like Star Trek, but the movies range from very good (The Wrath of Khan, First Contact and the most recent movie) to boring (The Motion Picture) and plain stupid (The Final Frontier). Then again, so do the episodes, but one does expect them to try their best when making the movies...

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-28-2011

what may be plain stupid to one, might just be very good to another... but there will always be hopeless movies to accompany the good ones...

RE: Unpopular opinions - Nuytsia - Feb-28-2011

I can't recall which of the Star Trek movies I did and did not like, but I must admit I do find myself wondering about SOME movies ...... (none of the Star Trek ones I've seen would fall into this category)...... I mean some movies are SO BAD but there must have been a LOT of money not to mention time and effort put into them.... how does this happen?
Usually it comes down to a terrible concept and/or script. Are good writers THAT expensive? Surely not (they don't seem to be living the high life!)

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-28-2011

it does not help even the best script if the actors and/or director are hopeless at executing it...

RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Feb-28-2011

I think this article goes some way towards explaining it.

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Feb-28-2011

chuckleworthy article, that one.

RE: Unpopular opinions - Nuytsia - Mar-01-2011

Gees that explains why when I see one of those movies attached to existing 'franchises' I often find myself saying 'this has nothing to do with X, why didn't they just make this as a completely original movie???? (it seems often it started OUT as one!)

Hehehe I liked "But there is one thing that everyone in the world can understand and sympathize with, no matter what their culture or ethnicity: The need to run away if you are being chased by giant robots."

This scares me!!!!!!:
"E.T., The Matrix, Pulp Fiction and Star Wars are all films that you never would have seen because the studios that owned them were content to sit on each forever. They were saved only because someone convinced another studio to re-buy them, usually at a higher price."

Although I wasn't really into 'ET'....

RE the Producer usually being responsible for the movie concept, well I think the script COULD still be great no matter what the concept.... but sure a crappy concept doesn't help........

Wow we really have to stop basing our whole society on making stacks of money ....... bad news capitalism you're out!!!