Homecoming (spoilers all RotE books) - Printable Version

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RE: Homecoming - Aimée - Oct-25-2010

Thanks for the quick answer... The French translation is a bit treacherous, then... Because Likea AND Beloved are translated as Aimée ;-)

RE: Homecoming - Farseer - Oct-26-2010

Good one, joost.

(Oct-25-2010, 08:39 PM (UTC))Aimée Wrote: Likea AND Beloved are translated as Aimée ;-)

LOVE IT Clapping !!

RE: Homecoming - Aimée - Oct-27-2010

Big Grin I was hoping for a major revelation there ;-) But then, I basically already knew, had she been called Beloved, somebody here would probably have noticed before me ^^

RE: Homecoming - Nuytsia - Oct-27-2010

Wow that must be weird for you when reading the books!

(Oct-25-2010, 08:39 PM (UTC))Aimée Wrote: Thanks for the quick answer... The French translation is a bit treacherous, then... Because Likea AND Beloved are translated as Aimée ;-)

RE: Homecoming - Farseer - Dec-01-2010

(Sep-01-2010, 03:16 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Ok, a very rapid reply as I sit here choking on a chicken and tomato sandwich for a quick lunch P !

(Aug-31-2010, 09:04 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: Our question is:
Are the Carrocks a rain wilds trader family, or a Bingtown trader family?
If the former, did her husband die traveling (lord Carrock)?
If the latter, did she and her family move to Bingtown later, or did her family take up a different name?

Will amend this later but no time to filter the spoilers from the non-spoilers! **Liveship Trader Spoilers**
Gotta go Smiling !

After a re-read of 'Homecoming', I am convinced now that Ronica is a descendant of Jathan but not of [[Carrilion]] (unless her forebears eg children from [[Carlmin]] or [[Petrus]] later moved from the Rain Wilds but this seems highly unlikely given the physical changes undergone by both boys and Carrilion).

I also cling even more firmly to my final thought in the above post - that Ronica was told that her ancestor had sold all he had to purchase a ticket to the Rain Wilds, as opposed to the truth that he was sent there in exile and disgrace. This "let's sell all and head to the Rain Wilds" story was pretty much the tale that Jathan had even told to Carrilion in the beginning until he had no choice but to admit the truth to her. If he was going to spin this yarn for his long-time wife and mother of his children, why not do it again when he reached Bingtown? He certainly didn't have any family member go with him to denounce his claim and all others on the original voyage seemed to have loosely accepted his story on the surface (though they apparently did know the truth), and this story was even possibly shared by the other rebellious and exiled nobles.

At the very least, it was for this reason (having it be known that he had volunteered for the voyage) that Jathan begged the Satrap for, for some time upon his knees.

RE: Homecoming - Farseer - Apr-20-2011

(Jul-19-2010, 03:50 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Ok, I can't stand it anymore...I need answers, and I can't find the other post where I touched on this in a different thread!

What do you think of the dragon memory stone statue (buried within Trehaug), and the woman who is also there? No doubt the location of the sculpture is to show us how and where the Elderling-made simulacra were first sculpted by the Elderlings **Farseer and Tawny Man spoilers**

What happened to the statue and the woman? Who did the woman represent?

Just bumping this thread now that some more of you may have read this short story in 'The Inheritance'. Any thoughts regarding the above?

I have a few things to add soon!

RE: Homecoming - Farseer - Jul-17-2011

(Jul-12-2011, 02:58 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote:
(Jul-01-2011, 05:11 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: What did you think of 'Homecoming' in relation to the reincarnation thing????????? It kind of changed my mind (maybe!) on what I THOUGHT was going on there. (is this covered in another thread? I couldn't find it!)
How about I meet you over in the Homecoming thread as I have other things from the story I need to unearth (!!), and we can chat spoiler-free?

Oops, here I am...I forgot to head on over before! Big Grin

How about you go first re how it kind of changed your mind? I'll get to adding my other bits in the meantime, after I go back over my other posts here...

RE: Homecoming - Nuytsia - Jul-18-2011

Woops I took a while to get here too!!!
I really should have posted on this topic while I HAD The book!! I must admit I got it from the library and eventually of course had to take it back so I don't have it in front of me.

Basically I didn't believe that the bits in *TM Spoiler*
Anyhoo, for most of the story of Homecoming I didn't change my mind on this. It seemed the places where people has visions and thought they WERE previous inhabitants of the area were just all consuming visions, and in fact some sort of Elderling 'art' (virtual reality movie???)

BUT I came across 2 things in the story that made me think hmmmm maybe it IS implying reincarnation. Er and now I can only remember the first thing!!!
The first thing was earlier on when they were travelling from the river bank into the jungle and a little boy gets sick and dies (hope I'm remembering this right) and the son of Carillion says something like 'he didn't belong here' ?? I was thinking well what makes him so different? I'm presuming it couldn't be that he didn't carry Elderling blood, as I think his family were with him (so wouldn't they be the same?) Is it something about him not being a reincarnated Elderling?
I can't really explain it!

And GRrrrrrrr I can't think what the second thing was! Something later in the story, possibly in the actual underground chambers...... gah I'll have to read it again!

RE: Homecoming - Farseer - Jul-19-2011

No time to check for other spoilers in this thread, or to reply (sorry!!!), but I just added a quick TM spoiler tag to your thread, Nuytsia. So much for chatting here spoiler-free! With these books, that's impossible because there is too much cross-over!! P

RE: Homecoming - Nuytsia - Jul-19-2011

Thanks for that!