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RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Jul-04-2011

It's me again! I recently watched X-Men: The Last Stand again and for the life of me, I can't figure out why so many people hate this film so much. Sure, it has some flaws, like Scott's anticlimactic death and Phoenix doesn't actualy do a lot, but for the most part I think it's a genuinely entertaining film.

Also, I don't know what the general consensus is on X-Men: First Class, but I liked it, even if it creates some plotholes like prequels always do...

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-04-2011

people hate "the last stand"?

RE: Unpopular opinions - Albertosaurus Rex - Jul-04-2011

As for as I can tell, it is pretty widely disliked. Dunno why.

RE: Unpopular opinions - NeverBeenWise - Jul-06-2011

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Breasts are overrated. If you have big ones good for you but most of the women I have fallen in love with didn't and don't...hasn't changed a single thing.

Amen. I have them. I get "OMG you're so luckyyyy!!!" quite often. What's the big deal? They're lumps of fat and mammary glands on a woman's chest. They also hurt when I'm running, require a harness (most people think of this as a bra, but seriously) to hold them up, and prevent me from playing the roles of boys onstage. The most fun I've ever had on a stage was as Puck, a male character, in A Midsummer Night's Dream. I'd absolutely love to portray Viola from Twelfth Night, but I probably won't ever get to because she passes as a guy for most of the play. *grumble grumble*

Wearing makeup as part of an everyday routine is another thing I despise. Caking colorful powders on my face to make my cheeks look pinker and my eyes bigger and darker seems silly. On stage it's different: you actually look sickly without makeup of some sort, and people can't tell what your expressions are.

Also, modern music. I can't stand most of it, especially American music. As a proud music snob, I despise autotune (can't people actually sing anymore?!), synth sounds that are stand-ins for the real thing (if you want a violin, get one, don't play a keyboard that sounds vaguely like a violin—you won't be able to mimic proper vibrato), and rap (a strong throbbing beat and words spoken in rhythm doesn't count as music).

My thing about Pirates of the Caribbean: the movies are okay. Sorta silly, but okay. What I really love about them are the soundtracks. I have watched movies just for their epic soundtracks before.

Which reminds me, I don't think Orlando Bloom is a good actor. Maybe it's because of the lines he's given in the movies, but he always sounds a bit silly, like he's trying too hard. Don't get me wrong, he's adorable and I want to give him a hug...but seriously. He isn't that great.

I think that's it for now....

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-07-2011

Fairly good points those about the music... These beings found a few years ago a good way to describe rap... "rythmic swearing"

Music should have at least one of these two:
- good-quality instruments (generally some form of classical instruments (played correctly of course))
- complex lyrics that have some meaning behind the words...

RE: Unpopular opinions - Farseer - Jul-07-2011

(Jul-06-2011, 10:48 PM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote:
(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Breasts are overrated. If you have big ones good for you but most of the women I have fallen in love with didn't and don't...hasn't changed a single thing.

Amen. I have them. I get "OMG you're so luckyyyy!!!" quite often. What's the big deal? They're lumps of fat and mammary glands on a woman's chest.

I can sympathise! Most nicknames I've had have been somehow associated with my chest. I may never have been at the harness stage Smiling but can well remember many years of sobbing in front of a mirror, wishing I could just cut them off!

When I had my first child, the local doctor lamented the fact that I couldn't be shipped to Rwanda as he expected that the contents of one of my breasts could halt starvation there...

Despite their size creating all sorts of problems during the actual feeding process, having and breastfeeding my three children saved me my husband has pointed out, I am now "an old milker with collapsed udders" P (though they still get in the road when I want to play a bit of golf or some such - damnable things!).

(Jul-06-2011, 10:48 PM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: Wearing makeup as part of an everyday routine is another thing I despise.

I concur!

(Jul-06-2011, 10:48 PM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: Which reminds me, I don't think Orlando Bloom is a good actor. Maybe it's because of the lines he's given in the movies, but he always sounds a bit silly, like he's trying too hard. Don't get me wrong, he's adorable and I want to give him a hug...but seriously. He isn't that great.

I agree that he is not as good as he is made out to be. I have never understood what all the fuss surrounding him has been about. Neither do I think he's adorable though, so I have to disagee with that one! Big Grin

Justin Timberlake is another example...I cannot even begin to fathom what the attraction is there.

I would love to contribute some of my own points but, once I got started, I'd have to ban myself...! Wink

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-08-2011

(Jul-07-2011, 10:45 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote:
(Jul-06-2011, 10:48 PM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: Wearing makeup as part of an everyday routine is another thing I despise.

Why do it then? If someone truly cares about you, it should not require a painted face for them to do so...

RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Jul-08-2011

(Jul-07-2011, 10:45 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: When I had my first child, the local doctor lamented the fact that I couldn't be shipped to Rwanda as he expected that the contents of one of my breasts could halt starvation there...


(Jul-08-2011, 06:51 AM (UTC))thul Wrote: Why do it then? If someone truly cares about you, it should not require a painted face for them to do so...

I think she meant wearing makeup as a day to day social nicety. In many circumstances, like work or formal social events, you would need to wear makeup. For example, a receptionist is the first face a customer sees when they walk into a business. The service staff of a restaurant also needs to look presentable. You can't face the public looking like you're still recovering from a late night binge (even if you are.)

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-08-2011

That is one part of human culture that these beings will never fully understand. They can fully appreciate what someone looks like without so-called "enhancements" like makeup.

In theatrical arts and for mock disasters, using various artificial tools to enhance details is ok. But it should not be necessary for everyday use.

RE: Unpopular opinions - NeverBeenWise - Jul-08-2011

Oh trust me, dear beings known as 'thul, I don't wear makeup unless it is absolutely required. Wink Those occasions include concerts (in which I'm playing/singing), church (when my mother forces me to wear it), and stage performances (where I'd look sickly without it). That's about it...and it's never willing.

Redchild, I do mean that, but I also mean that I dislike when people wear makeup as part of a day-to-day routine even when it's not necessary or even recommended. I'm thinking of girls in middle school and early high school. They're not even old enough to work legally, and yet they spend their precious free time meticulously applying various chemicals to their faces. I'm one of the few people I know who doesn't wear the stuff every day.

Also, Farseer, you make me giggle Big Grin