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RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-08-2011

ahh... that is most logical...

If those children are to put chemicals all over their faces, why not instead use more interesting ones? Like Hydrogen fluoride or Aqua regia? Or, if they wish for a fairly noticable scent, Cadaverine and/or Putrescine?
Are not such female humans generally more out for getting attention to themselves than they are out for anything else? These beings can guarantee that anyone will be noticed by pretty much anyone if they wear either of those scents... (if the names are unfamiliar, use wikipedia to figure them out)

RE: Unpopular opinions - fool-ish - Jul-09-2011

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: I'm afraid the ZION rave scene ruined the Matrix sequels....

SO...what sacred cows should I slay today?


First of all I think Martin's Song of Ice and Fire is actually overrated. I find the narrative a bit tedious. I admire the fact that he'll kill any character and that is truly brave but those books just don't do anything for me. I read the first 4 on a recommendation from a friend and it got very plodding for me.

I'm still debating on whether to read these or not. 'Plodding' and 'confusing at first' puts me off a little. However, 'epic' and 'fantastic' encourages me again. Decisions, decisions!

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Coldplay must be the most boring band ever. Usually when someone doesn't like a style of music they tend to say it all sounds the same. Now I am musician and a songwriter and I have a wide and diverse taste and I do usually hate the sounds the same moniker. From Beethoven to Bowie, From Patsy Cline to Pere Ubu, From Johnny Rotten to Johnny Mathis I like them all...but Coldplay's music REALLY does all sound the same.

Coldplay don't float my boat either. That man is such a wet lettuce!

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Red Hot Chili Peppers Can't stand them and he can't sing. They have a great bassist and a guitarist but really....horrible!!!

Loved their earlier stuff...Blood sugar sex magic is a great album as is One Hot Minute. The later stuff is a little too laid back and non-chilli for me.

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: FILM

Well any film with Gweneth Paltrow is by definition overrated.

One wet lettuce married to another wet lettuce!

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: American Football
Well I grew up playing and watching American football but after moving to Austria 8 years ago the NFL is snooze...snooze.....According to a media study there are about 11 minutes of actual action in a game that takes 3 1/2 hours to watch on a good day....It's just an excuse to run advertising. Time outs, TV time outs...We ought to make the NFL or American Football

I know absolutely nothing about American Football but I can say I hate british/european football. The obsession with it is beyond my comprehension. It takes over people's lives!

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Breasts are overrated. If you have big ones good for you but most of the women I have fallen in love with didn't and don't...hasn't changed a single thing.

Oh I like you! Wink I was definitely at the back of the queue when they were handing those out! Crying

(Apr-08-2011, 10:54 AM (UTC))danieladamsmith Wrote: Making a lot of money. I worked jobs as a media/branding consultant for years and made tons of money. I now work as an English teacher for low income and unemployed people in Austria and I sleep a lot better at night and work less.

I've never made a lot of money...well I won't, I work for the NHS. Nursing used to be worthwhile. Alas, nowadays it's a case of do the best you can, but it might not be good enough.

Gah! I've made a right mess of the quoting in that last post, sorry! Don't know what to do to make it right so hope you folks can follow my drift. 22Mad

EDIT: I THINK I've fixed it for you, fool-ish. You can have a look at the changes and see what I've done (by either clicking on either the Edit or Quote buttons and seeing the tags I've included), and hopefully that will help for next time. Maybe even copying and pasting them to a Word Doc or some such for later reference would help. Feel free to ask if you still need a hand or don't understand what I mean. Farseer Smiling

RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Jul-09-2011

^You would add the tag [/quote] at the end of every text segment you want to quote, beginning with [quote]

so it would be [quote.]text text[/quote.] only without the periods inside the tags.

Back to makeup. It's interesting to remember that makeup was not always a socially accepted practice. It used to be that the only people who wore makeup were whores and actors (who had equally bad social status.) This is, of course, not the case for every culture, but it demonstrates that what is socially acceptable (or even encouraged) is not set in stone.

RE: Unpopular opinions - Farseer - Jul-09-2011

(Jul-08-2011, 07:07 PM (UTC))thul Wrote: Are not such female humans generally more out for getting attention to themselves than they are out for anything else?

Possibly for some, but definitely not, not by any means. I know many females, particularly teenagers, who wear make-up to enhance their self-confidence or improve their self-image, not to mention use it as a mask/shield to hide or protect themselves behind for various reasons. The latter makes me think of *LST and RWC spoilers*
I also know quite a few women who wear make-up as a means of effective sun protection.

RE: Unpopular opinions - redchild - Jul-09-2011

(Jul-09-2011, 08:01 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: I also know quite a few women who wear make-up as a means of effective sun protection.

How about:
[Image: 81441016a3765dfd2bo.jpg]

or maybe:

[Image: hdc_0001_0003_0_img0215.jpg]

So fashionable.

RE: Unpopular opinions - 'thul - Jul-09-2011

fool-ish Wrote:I know absolutely nothing about American Football but I can say I hate british/european football. The obsession with it is beyond my comprehension. It takes over people's lives!
These beings have come across a fairly apt description of that kind of sport.

"Sweaty men and small amounts of leather."

Farseer Wrote:[spoiler=LST/RWC spoilers]The latter makes me think of *LST and RWC spoilers*
how the Rain Wilders hid their perceived "flaws" behind their masks, and only began to reveal themselves to others once they grew comfortable enough to set their masks aside or were viewed by others in society as having beautiful features rather than features that should be reviled (as was previously the case eg Malta and Reyn, who were even copied in the later stages of SoD. No doubt this will prove to be the same for ones such as Thymara etc once their Elderling status is learnt.[/spoiler]
I also know quite a few women who wear make-up as a means of effective sun protection.

[spoiler=LST/RWC spoilers]The main difference is that the rain wilder custom stems from the common perception of chalcedans and Jamaillia. The six duchies folk only viewed it as odd or even interesting when Selden unveiled himself.
Another part is that the Elderlings get directed changes that are adapted to work well, whereas the rain wild traders get random changes that do not work well, often resulting in significant problems, both health-wise and longevity-wise.

If these beings recall correctly, in the story "homecoming" the changes wrought by the rain wilds were not viewed with horror, but with curiosity.
If that recollection is correct, that would indicate that the hatred of scaling comes not so much from culture or personal opinions as it does from bad experience.[/spoiler]

RE: Unpopular opinions - fool-ish - Jul-09-2011

Aw thanks Farseer for sorting my messy post! I will try to do better next time Smiling

Make-up then. I wear mascara most days only because I was at the back of the eyelash queue too! But that's all I wear unless I'm going out on the razz, then I do like to wear a 'full face' as it were. It's a confidence thing for most girls/women I think, although there are those who over-do it to an extreme that just looks ridiculous. Each to their own though I suppose

RE: Unpopular opinions - Farseer - Jul-12-2011

(Jul-09-2011, 08:11 AM (UTC))redchild Wrote:
(Jul-09-2011, 08:01 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: I also know quite a few women who wear make-up as a means of effective sun protection.

How about:
[Image: 81441016a3765dfd2bo.jpg]

or maybe:

[Image: hdc_0001_0003_0_img0215.jpg]

So fashionable.

Glad to see you thought of providing us with summer and winter alternatives, redchild! P

I haven't wanted to add too many opinions of my own but this just HAS to be said:

No matter what he can do or what he has done...I can't BEAR, Bear Grylls!! Rant Go, little guy...!