What's happening in your world? - Printable Version

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RE: What's happening in your world? - maulkin - Jun-08-2010

OK, I'll be honest, April can still be pretty cold (and wet) but the spring flowers are pretty. I would go for May-June for the best spring weather and July-August are usually OK too. July and August are usually the hottest months but June has the longest days. July and August also fall within the school holidays so prices are likely to be much higher. Where in Ireland are you planning on going?

RE: What's happening in your world? - joost - Jun-08-2010

(Jun-07-2010, 03:58 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I have a really varied taste in music, in fact it's hard to think of a particular genre that I don't like ANY of (hmmm I bet there's something though).
I have lots of stuff (noise, power electronics, harsh industrial, cybergrind, japanoise, speedcore) that most people find unlistenable, because it focuses more on sounds and rhythm than on melody.

Winterkälte - Incinerator
Wiener Aktivisten - Untitled
Haus Arafna - New skin grafting
Brighter death now - I hate you
The berzerker - No one wins

(Jun-07-2010, 03:58 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I've been to some great performances in churches, so I tend to think of those, but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean ALL churches have good acoustics! The atmosphere's usually nice too (well I'm thinking of like old stone churches and things, not a modern prefab church!)
The church it was in (St. Stevenskerk in Nijmegen, the Netherlands) is a fairly old church (oldest parts are 13th century). Most of the church got destroyed during Operation Market Garden, but it has been rebuilt in the original style.

A video from the concert, which shows a little bit of the church:

RE: What's happening in your world? - Nuytsia - Jun-09-2010

(Jun-07-2010, 03:58 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I have a really varied taste in music, in fact it's hard to think of a particular genre that I don't like ANY of (hmmm I bet there's something though).

Ah hehee this wasn't meant to be a challenge!!!!! Uhhuh

(Jun-08-2010, 08:52 PM (UTC))joost Wrote: I have lots of stuff (noise, power electronics, harsh industrial, cybergrind, japanoise, speedcore) that most people find unlistenable, because it focuses more on sounds and rhythm than on melody.

Winterkälte - Incinerator
Wiener Aktivisten - Untitled
Haus Arafna - New skin grafting
Brighter death now - I hate you
The berzerker - No one wins

Hmm bummer the second last one wouldn't play - it loaded but didn't want to go for some reason.
Geees those guys (?) in the last one would be so pissed off to find out theirs was the most music-like piece in a list of 'songs' ... also, nice masks.

Yeah this stuff gets me thinking about what's good music in the same way I often get into knots about 'what is good art'. Hmmmm.... Detective

(Jun-08-2010, 08:52 PM (UTC))joost Wrote: The church it was in (St. Stevenskerk in Nijmegen, the Netherlands) is a fairly old church (oldest parts are 13th century). Most of the church got destroyed during Operation Market Garden, but it has been rebuilt in the original style.
A video from the concert, which shows a little bit of the church:

It's bigger than I had in mind! Sorry to hear it got partially destroyed. Hey is it daytime? Music seems good but a bit hard to tell with the recording quality.

What's Happening in My World:
RAIN SWEET RAIN! 8.0mm this arvo/tonight. Can't wait to check the tank tomorrow!
Now get ready for the complaints about what has been damaged by excessive rain ...heheeh NAH!
Did I mention that winter's here? Geees today freezing 3.4 C at 4.30pm and now steady around 2 C ever since.

RE: What's happening in your world? - Albertosaurus Rex - Jun-09-2010

So what's happening in my world? Allow me a little rant:

When I took the train to Amsterdam this morning, I managed to get a nice free spot. But why was it vacant? I found out as I was just sitting down: there was a pile of shit under the chair opposite to me.

I'm not making this up. A pile of shit, partly covered by one of those free newspapers, like Metro.

I quickly moved to another spot, relieved that I avoided actually stepping in it. However, later in Amsterdam when I sat in the tram, I smelled something. Did I step in it after all? No, but some shit had gotten on my rucksack. Which had hung from my back just a moment ago. Which was now ON MY LAP.

When I arrived at the university, I hurried to the bathroom and cleaned my stuff as best I could. Then went out and bought some new trousers. Yuck.

RE: What's happening in your world? - joost - Jun-09-2010

(Jun-09-2010, 04:14 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: Hmm bummer the second last one wouldn't play - it loaded but didn't want to go for some reason.
Geees those guys (?) in the last one would be so pissed off to find out theirs was the most music-like piece in a list of 'songs' ... also, nice masks.
Hmm, I just tried all links and they all play for me. The last band (The berzerker) is Australian. They used to play on stage in those dragon costumes, but after a few years they decided to skip that.

(Jun-09-2010, 04:14 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: Hey is it daytime? Music seems good but a bit hard to tell with the recording quality.
This was quite early in their set, so it was around 20:45. At the moment sunset's around 21:30/22:00. The organizer mentioned that this was probably their 'lightest' set ever.

I just heard that Peter Bjärgö (singer/guitarist from Arcana) is going to play on a festival I'll be going to in august (Summer darkness, a large gothic festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands). Happy happy joy joy!

RE: What's happening in your world? - Nuytsia - Jun-11-2010

Happening in My World:

Watching the World Cup opening ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and reeling from Albertosaurus' story ........ as a germophobe this story makes me want to go have a shower right now.......

RE: What's happening in your world? - Albertosaurus Rex - Jun-12-2010

Oh, and something else that in my world. On the same day as my crapventure, general elections were held in my country. Unfortunately, the PVV became the third party of the country, and I am not a fan of that party. (Does the name Geert Wilders ring any bells? I've heard he's somewhat known outside of the Netherlands. Well, that's the head of the PVV.)

Forming a coalition is going to be difficult...

RE: What's happening in your world? - Nuytsia - Jun-12-2010

'crapventure' Ouch

Oh hehehe that's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re the rest:

Not another difficult coalition!!!!
That's 3 for 3

Who's next????

ps I have no idea what PVV or who Geert Wilders is though

RE: What's happening in your world? - Albertosaurus Rex - Jun-13-2010

Geert Wilders is a very right-wing politician who is best known for his harsh criticism of Islam. He made the short film Fitna a few years ago (Link goes to Wikipedia page, but I'm sure it's out there on Youtube).
Now I do support the right to criticise things and some aspects of Islam do worry me, but Wilders goes too far. One might call him xenophobic. He wants to almost completely stop immigration to the Netherlans by people with an Islamic background, want to ban the Koran, forbid the building of mosques and put taxes on wearing headscarves. The vast majority of Dutch muslims are no threat at all and this is just going to antagonise them - aside from the fact that these things would be serious infringements on people's freedom - ironic, considering that his party is called PVV - Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party for Freedom).

RE: What's happening in your world? - Nuytsia - Jun-14-2010

(Jun-11-2010, 01:17 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: Happening in My World:
Watching the World Cup opening ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAS enjoying the World Cup matches.............. until this morning...Rant

Oh well, back to enjoying them, until Australia next plays.....Dodgy