What are you reading right now? (possible RotE spoilers) - Printable Version

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RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - May-29-2010

(May-26-2010, 02:25 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: On a slightly related note to your locals not going to the library, I think Tasmania has the highest rate of adults who are illiterate. My boyfriend said he'd never had anyone come into the store he works at and ask for him to read something to them before we moved here and now it's happened many times!

Having spent my entire adult life teaching and encouraging my little family of readers, that is such a sad thing to hear Crying !!! Of all the things I have done for my kids over the years, the gift of reading is my number one 'I feel really good about that' thing (some others being successfully breastfeeding, fostering in them a fully-functioning conscience and developing a solid educational foundation coupled with an ethusiastic work ethic P).

When my boys began their schooling from the age of five, we had an entire house that served as our schoolhouse and we christened it, 'The Language House'...possibly a bit of an overkill Big Grin but you can safely say that I gave reading a high priority in all areas of our life! My favourite book quote says it best and it took pride of place in our schoolroom for many, many years:

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.”

-Charles W. Elliot

My husband could read, but wasn't a reader, when we began our journey together as teenagers...and it is just such a special feeling to know that he now reads all manner of novels and books, thanks to lots of encouragement over the last twenty years (yes, he's even read Robin's books up to Fool's Errand, despite not being a fantasy fan at all!).

I just cannot imagine a life without language in it...and wonder at the idiocy of our world that we have all of this 'stuff' in it but there are still people without the basic needs and tools for life, and we let that go unchecked.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - May-30-2010

I know Farseer, I just can't imagine what it must be like!
Don't be too sad, we are still doing unbelievably well compared to some countries when you think on a whole world scale....
There do actually seem to be a lot of adult literacy programs here, so they aren't just shrugging their shoulders at least.

Good on ya for you being a great influence on your whole family!
I guess even people who can read don't necessarily indulge in it too often, (even if I don't understand how they can be like that!!!) but it sounds like your kids must love reading.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Mervi - May-31-2010

On the last pages of Cormac McCarthy's "the Road". I saw the movie last winter, and I have to say it's one of the best book-to-movie adaptations ever. That being said, I'm slightly sad that I didn't read the book first, as the language is very bare and the images from the movie tend to flood my mind while reading it - but since I think it was perfectly cast and the cinematography was really impressive I have no real reason to complain.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - May-31-2010

'Harvesting the Heart' - Jodi Picoult (I bought a three-pack of her books at the Post Office where I am at the moment!)

RE: What are you reading right now? - joost - Jun-01-2010

Grant Morrison - The invisibles

This graphic novel series is said to have been one of the biggest influence on the Wachowski brothers while they were writing The matrix. Very weird from time to time, but very interesting too. Lots of philosophy, metaphysics and LSD-trips.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Jun-02-2010

THAT sounds interesting! *adds to huge and exponentially growing list of things to check out*

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - Jun-03-2010

'Plain Truth' - Jodi Picoult

(Jun-02-2010, 10:08 AM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: *adds to huge and exponentially growing list of things to check out*

Huge and exponentially growing? Sounds like my 'to-do' list Down ! *sighs while waiting for a teleconference to begin...*
(May-31-2010, 03:10 AM (UTC))Mervi Wrote: On the last pages of Cormac McCarthy's "the Road".

Just looked it up to see what it is about..."some years after a great, unexplained cataclysm"...hmm, what does THAT sound like P ??!!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Manephelien - Jun-03-2010

Anne McCaffrey: All the Weyrs of Pern

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - Jun-05-2010

Heading back to try Shaman's Crossing for the umpteenth time...don't know why but I can't seem to get further than mid-way through Chapter One Undecided !

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Jun-05-2010

Hmm I remember having problems getting started there too! Personally I was glad I persevered, but YMMV !

My boyfriend didn't have problems at all with starting Shaman's Crossing, but he DID have problems starting Ship of Magic and never read the LST trilogy! Sacrebleu!

What I'm reading (is non-fiction allowed?):
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

Early on it recommended I eat more butter, so I was like ooooh yum I'm for this!
Some of the assertions made make some sense, but then others are just bunkum! So now I don't trust the ones that seem to make sense! Hehehe. Some good recipes, but I don't subscribe to all her dietary advice.