What are you reading right now? (possible RotE spoilers) - Printable Version

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RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Mar-31-2010

I found ASOIAF easy to read because it was so well written. I'm sure there were details I missed though, which is why it makes a great re-read ......
It's also one of the few books that I can remember who was who and what happened long after I've read it!
(I have a notoriously bad memory - usually I can re-read a book I've read a few years ago as if I'd never read it before)

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Mar-31-2010

I haven't re-read ASOIAF yet, but I'm sure a re-read would pay off. So many details in there... For example, I never picked up the clues leading many fans the theory
which is of course unconfirmed to this day. *Really wants to get his hands on A Dance with Dragons.*

Things is, if I'm re-reading books, especially books this size, I'm not reading new stuff. And there is only a finite number of books I can read before I die...

RE: What are you reading right now? - Manephelien - Mar-31-2010

The Mad Ship

RE: What are you reading right now? - Mervi - Apr-01-2010

I'm reading Roots and Branches by Tom Shippey - it's a collection of his Tolkien essays. Shippey is probably my favourite author when it comes to books about Tolkien. I highly recommend everyone to check out his Road to Middle-earth or J.R.R. Tolkien Author of the Century. You don't have to be a huge Tolkien fan or be really interested in languages or academic studies to read these, I believe they will still provide a real eye-opener for understanding why exactly the Lord of the Rings is in a league of its own among fantasy books. His writing is entertaining and educating at the same time. Thankful

RE: What are you reading right now? - Manephelien - Apr-01-2010

Ship of Destiny

RE: What are you reading right now? - chriSchaeffer - Apr-02-2010

The Walking Drum by Louis L'Amour (special thanks to farseer for her post with L'Amour books on her shelves, totally forgot about him.)

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - Apr-04-2010

Yes, while my sisters read Mills and Boons Uhhuh , I spent many special hours of my youth with Louis L'Amour as a companion (loved the Sackett books best!) so glad to be of help, Chris Proud .

Anyone who has enjoyed LL or similar historic, western-styled books may appreciate the Sarah Agnes Prine series by Nancy E. Turner - 'These Is My Words', 'Sarah's Quilt' and 'The Star Garden'. I borrowed them from a library a few years back and identified with the journey and strength of the main character, Sarah, so much that I ordered copies from the US so I could one day give them as a gift to my daughter.

I am currently reading another of Nancy E. Turner's novels, 'The Water and the Blood', and it's also proving an engaging read thus far!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-05-2010

Don't worry, I DID re-read and still didn't pick up on that one! I knew something was going on, but just didn't really join the dots with so many other prophecies/mysteries/weird new creatures all over the place!

I know what you mean, it is a big re-read project and it means other things must go unread. I might wait until all the books are finished before I do another re-read :rolleyes:

(Mar-31-2010, 01:31 PM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote: I haven't re-read ASOIAF yet, but I'm sure a re-read would pay off. So many details in there... For example, I never picked up the clues leading many fans the theory
which is of course unconfirmed to this day. *Really wants to get his hands on A Dance with Dragons.*

Things is, if I'm re-reading books, especially books this size, I'm not reading new stuff. And there is only a finite number of books I can read before I die...

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-05-2010

(Apr-05-2010, 11:20 AM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I know what you mean, it is a big re-read project and it means other things must go unread. I might wait until all the books are finished before I do another re-read :rolleyes:

That might take quite a while. Even assuming Dance is released this year and the final two books are finished more quickly, it will take some time. But I'm sure the wait will pay off.

I finished Fevre Dream yesterday and I'm really impressed. The best thing after ASOIAF that Martin has written. (That I have read, that is. I'm hearing that Tuf Voyaging is quite good as well.)

I will soon start on the classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. A new Dutch translation was recently released, the first one that is unabridged. I received it for my birthday a few days ago. I'm excited, but somewhat intimidated too - it's huge!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Liquid Ice - Apr-06-2010

I was thinking of starting Soldier Son Trilogy but I felt like something more casual so I'm re-reading World War Z by Max Brooks. I loved my first read through and enjoying my second.