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RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-06-2010

(Apr-05-2010, 11:39 AM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote:
(Apr-05-2010, 11:20 AM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I know what you mean, it is a big re-read project and it means other things must go unread. I might wait until all the books are finished before I do another re-read :rolleyes:

That might take quite a while. Even assuming Dance is released this year and the final two books are finished more quickly, it will take some time. But I'm sure the wait will pay off.

I finished Fevre Dream yesterday and I'm really impressed. The best thing after ASOIAF that Martin has written. (That I have read, that is. I'm hearing that Tuf Voyaging is quite good as well.)

I will soon start on the classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. A new Dutch translation was recently released, the first one that is unabridged. I received it for my birthday a few days ago. I'm excited, but somewhat intimidated too - it's huge!

I know! (about the GRRM books being finished..... I was just dreaming)
Hey maybe I'll try Fevre Dream. I did get an anthology of GRRM's short stories from the library but I havent actually read it yet!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-06-2010

I'm curious which one you've got.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-07-2010

Sorry I was too lazy to get up and find the book to post the title last time!!
(I shouldn't have revealed that)

It's 'Dreamsongs'

I read the first story and I thought hmmm that wasn't so great. Then I realised the stories are in chronological order! So that was one of the first stories GRRM ever had published (so he hadn't a heck of a lot of writing experience just then)
The stories are interspersed with GRRM explaining bits about his life along the way (related to writing). There's even a Twilight Zone script in there. It's probably going to be a really interesting to learn about the development of GRRM as a writer.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-07-2010

Oh wow, that means it's the hardcover edition. The paperback edition that I got has been split into two parts (kinda like UK A Storm of Swords). The first few stories aren't very strong indeed, but I do think they're interesting. As are the biographical interludes.

I have only read part 1 so far, containing "A four-colour fanboy" up to "Hybrids and Horrors". Part 2 is lying around somewhere at my home. So many books, so little time... My favorite stories actually show up quite late. My favorite so far is The Monkey Tretment, a darkly comedical tale.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-09-2010

Yeah a huge hardcover book! That's it.
I also have the huge version of ASOS!

Well I probably should have read Dreamsongs in order, but I didn't!
It's a library book so I can see me not finishing it before it's due back.
The one I referred to above was 'Only Kids are Afraid of the Dark'.

Today I read The Hedge Knight. I had to read that because I had heard there were a few short stories about Westeros.
I quite liked it, although there was a little TOO much detail on heraldry (what colour everybody's shield was and what was on it, and what their pavillion was like.....). I KNOW GRRM really seems to love that stuff.
I liked the reference to ******errrr tiny spoiler if you havent read it *****Aemon going off to his studies (later to turn up in ASOIAF as Maester Aemon). Yay someone I knew!!!!!
Then of course after I finished it I had to look up on the web who was who from the Targaryens mentioned in the story. It's mind blowing how much detail GRRM has put into the background stories of the royal lines and all the other noble houses. If I were to write I'm not sure I could go down that route...... it's quite Tolkeinesque I guess in a way.

I was also thinking about authors writing short stories. I often wonder geeee don't they use up their good ideas/ what if they want to later use one of those ideas for a novel (or a huge series of novels!)
It was quite comforting to see that this must indeed happen, as a few of the names I spotted in some of the short stories (not set in Westeros) are recycled in ASOIAF!!!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-09-2010

(Apr-09-2010, 05:00 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: It was quite comforting to see that this must indeed happen, as a few of the names I spotted in some of the short stories (not set in Westeros) are recycled in ASOIAF!!!

I noticed that too, most notably Robb and Lyanna from "A Song for Lya". (The implications are.. odd.) In one of his biographical asides, Martin notes that he never throws an idea away. You'll see Bakkalon pop up in different contexts as well (And pay attention to some familar names in "The Heirs of Turlte Castle").

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-11-2010

I'm sure I spotted the name R'hllor while flicking through the pages too!
I am reading a Song for Lya now. I had heard of it somewhere, so I thought it was probably a recommendation. I like it so far! Not sure what the implications are for those names (Robb and Lyanna) but I guess I should finish reading it first!

Heheh talking of the names used by GRRM - I love the write up he did of the Suvudu cage match final, where Tyrion refers to 'the Creator' of Rand's world. 'Lord Jordayne'. And GRRM HAD actually put a Lord Jordayne in the ASOIAF books! And the others he goes on to refer to! He just loves putting all these name references in there.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-11-2010

(Apr-11-2010, 12:30 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I am reading a Song for Lya now. I had heard of it somewhere, so I thought it was probably a recommendation. I like it so far! Not sure what the implications are for those names (Robb and Lyanna) but I guess I should finish reading it first!

I was referring to the characters named Robb and Lyanna being lovers in "A Song for Lya" and nephew and aunt in ASOIAF.
It is sometimes speculated that GRRM is enjoying the incest scenes in ASOAF slightly too much... (Although I personally think there is nothing to the rumor that GRRM has an incest fetish. His other stories don't contain incest, so I think he figured that ASOIAF was a story that could use it.)

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-12-2010

To me I must say I don't really find myself constantly thinking 'oh they're brother and sister' so those scenes don't really bother me at all.
I suppose it's hard to think of any sex scenes in ASOIAF that do take place between a conventional couple!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-13-2010

I think there was one scene between Ned and Catelyn...