What are you reading right now? (possible RotE spoilers) - Printable Version

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RE: What are you reading right now? - Manephelien - Apr-20-2010

Now reading Order of the Phoenix. I tend to agree re Azkaban. Phoenix isn't bad, but it's so long. And Harry for me is a bit too similar to Fitz, the entire world seems to be against him. But I do think that Rowling is better at describing teenage angst than Hobb.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - Apr-20-2010

Though I put it off for YEARS (despite lots of begging from sons who'd already read the books and needed me for discussions), I did enjoy reading the HP series.

I recently finished 'How to Love' by Gordon Livingston (what can I say, I liked the cover?!) and am currently reading ‘Shaman’s Crossing’ (also been putting it off due to much negative feedback from others but I can’t stand it any's Robin Hobb, it just has to be good!).

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-20-2010

Teenage angst, blah, maybe I won't read them. Hehehe.
Hey I like the Soldier son trilogy, I don't really know why so many disliked it.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Manephelien - Apr-21-2010

You never know until you try, Nuytsia. It's much more than just the angst, just like Fitz...

Almost finished Phoenix.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - Apr-30-2010

Home today from eight days in hospital with my daughter (pneumonia) so had a bit of time to get through the following...

Books I just happened to have with me:
My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
The Sea Caves - Colin Thiele
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski
Dread Mountain - Emily Rodda
The Maze of the Beast - Emily Rodda
Re-read of Ship of Destiny - Tangle Leader aka Robin Hobb Crown

Books I borrowed from another patient (I was desperate and sick of magazines!):
Granny Dan - Danielle Steel
The Ring - Danielle Steel

Read all those and then went back into SOD for yet another in-depth study. The advantage of one of ChriShchaeffer's Kindles (different thread) would be that my RotE books wouldn't have notes scribbled in pen and pencil in every available space from cover to cover, and I could have had ALL of the books with me! Praise El, Eda and Sa that I had at least ONE!!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - Apr-30-2010

Pneumonia! I hope she's ok now....!

Geees you are a fast reader - all that in 8 days!

Hey that's one reason I wouldn't like a kindle - cannot write on it with a good old pencil! (I know you can do it electronically no doubt - bah humbug! Putting notes on an electronic document would remind me of work!)

RE: What are you reading right now? - Farseer - May-02-2010

(Apr-30-2010, 01:07 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: Geees you are a fast reader - all that in 8 days!

Sitting and sleeping in a chair for those eight days, and having nurses coming in and out at all hours of the day and night, allowed for lots of AWAKE time!

The books by Emily Rodda and Colin Thiele are for younger readers so they were fairly easy to get through and the Dannielle Steel ones had pretty much the same sort of characters, right down to their elfin faces and sable coats, with just different locations/occupations etc (I had to read both of those as quickly as I could to lessen the torture - they were DREADFUL). Certainly made me appreciate Robin's tales all the more!

Will be a little while until she gets back to normal but is much better than she was the week before last. One of my sons had previously gone down with pneumonia for three weeks as well. I'll have to pack an emergency bag filled with books on my 'to read' list, in preparation for the next time something like that ever happens!

I must admit, I also like to be able to flick through my hand-written notes...kinda spoils it for those reading the books after me though! Still, could always use that as an excuse to buy all new copies...!

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - May-06-2010

I love reading notes in other people's books!!!
It's funny when I occasionally see them in library books (but very naughty person for writing in a library book)

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - May-10-2010

I haven't read a book for ages (except short stories) - I have picked up a few but cannot get into them. Damn you Robin Hobb!!!!
I am now trying to read The Name of the Wind.
Geees when I read a three paragraph description of exactly HOW it was currently silent on the first page I was VERY close to giving up on that one too!!!
But then I thought 'hmmmm what would Chrischa do....?'
Hehee sorry I couldn't resist! Angel

So I AM currently reading it.
I have Suvudu cage match to thank.

RE: What are you reading right now? - Nuytsia - May-14-2010

Hmmm I guess no-one else had read The Name of the Wind or they would have mentioned it. I'm still finding it hard to get into. Minor