[split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Printable Version

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RE: [split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Farseer - Apr-19-2010

Thanks for sharing. I think Robin dealt with it all quite nicely via a well-written response (as opposed to a 'rant') - bravo to Robin Thankful.

RE: A song of Ice and fire discussion - Albertosaurus Rex - Apr-21-2010

(Apr-17-2010, 01:30 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: You'd at least get some practice in grammar and spelling......errrr unless you are the writer of that My Immortal thing !!!!! Classic!! (Gees I'd never seen that - thanks for sharing)
Oh and Robin's old website layout sounds fun!

The old website has been surprisingly well preserved at the internet archive. Behold!

And yeah, My Immortal is epic, isn't it?

RE: [split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Nuytsia - Apr-22-2010

Thanks! Geee it's really slow to load isn't it (the links anyway)

RE: A song of Ice and fire discussion - Nuytsia - May-04-2010

Fun Fact - tonight I learned that the mad woman in the attic (re Robin's old website) is a reference to a character in Jane Eyre (which obviously I haven't read)..... *hopes everyone else doesn't post DUH*

(Apr-15-2010, 09:01 PM (UTC))Mervi Wrote: When reading Robin's rant is should also be mentioned and remembered that it was originally posted in a very specific context. Her own website was modelled after her house and the rant was in the attic that could only be accessed by clicking on a picture of a "mad woman" guarding the door.

RE: [split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Nuytsia - May-09-2010

Hmm on the fanfic thing, GRRM has had a couple of huge rants about it on his blog, apparently in response to some other author posting on the topic and getting a lot of people apparently up in arms about it.
I can see both sides of this, and I can certainly see how authors would feel horrified to read some of the fanfics (especially if emailed TO them - I'm still gobsmacked by that). But I don't really feel strongly against it - especially if it is just using the world and not the actual characters made by the author.
I did find it kind of interesting to read GRRM saying, re 3rd Alien movie
Kind of ironic that those sorts of feelings by fans are probably what prompts a lot of fanfics actually... and not sure how GRRM would like to hear
(although he probably HAS heard that Smiling

RE: [split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Albertosaurus Rex - May-10-2010

Quote:Kind of ironic that those sorts of feelings by fans are probably what prompts a lot of fanfics actually

Surely that's the point that GRRM himself is trying to make? He does understand it, to a certain extent.

I'm not sure what to think about fan fic. There is something to be said for creating one's own world and characters. That said, bad fanfics do prompt some amusing commentaries (MST'ing) at times.

RE: [split] the fanfic discussion thread (NO fanfic please) - Nuytsia - May-11-2010

(May-10-2010, 10:50 AM (UTC))Albertosaurus Rex Wrote: Surely that's the point that GRRM himself is trying to make? He does understand it, to a certain extent.
You'd THINK so, but if you read the blog it doesn't really turn out that way. Although it's not particularly clear. In fact he himself realises he's being contradictory on various points in that post:
"Which would be a sort of retconning, I know, which I just denounced. So sue me. Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds"