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Chades powder equals... - Liquid Ice - Apr-22-2010

*spoilers for Tawny Man Trilogy*

This is purely speculation and discussion on one of the many thousands of things that could happen in future books.

Chade, from what we know, discovered the combination of black powder yes? And through many trial and errors he got to make his big bang out in the ice. Now I don't really know my history of black powder (how long it took to become used for weapons, ect) but do you guys reckon this could lead to the creation of guns? Cannons? and other similar things. And this step forward could be one of the Fools reasons to keep dragons alive? So you know, the humans don't go gun frenzy.

Again I dunno how quickly it'd take to go from black powder to experimenting with cannons. And also I doubt a cannon could hit a dragon unless it's like... sitting next to it. Eh, this is just an idea thats been bugging me.

Though! One question. I could have sworn I remember Fitz talking about Cannons before. Like, once, I'm pretty sure in the Fools Quest. I'm crazy ya? Angel

RE: Chades powder equals... - Nuytsia - Apr-22-2010

Hmm interesting.
But I feel that the existence of dragons would possibly provide a reason for the humans to develop higher powered weaponry (like guns). I'm not sure how it would prevent it? (unless the dragons were to blast the humans back to the stone age!!!)
I agree canon would be fairly useless against dragons. Dragons are way too manouverable! (no idea how to spell that)
And I can't recall Fitz mentioning them, but I have a terrible memory so that doesn't really prove anything!

RE: Chades powder equals... - Liquid Ice - Apr-23-2010

(Apr-22-2010, 02:17 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: Hmm interesting.
But I feel that the existence of dragons would possibly provide a reason for the humans to develop higher powered weaponry (like guns). I'm not sure how it would prevent it? (unless the dragons were to blast the humans back to the stone age!!!)

Hmmm yes good point. I suppose I meant that humans should be less likely to build guns/ heaver weapons (which would take years anyways) because the dragons would destroy any attempt... but then again. why would they if humans are just killing them selves? Hmm, now I dunno what to think now...

Maybe a dragon would just sit back and laugh at us if we just found bigger ways to kill our selves? Unless we turned the weapons onto them.

RE: Chades powder equals... - Nuytsia - Apr-23-2010

Hmm yep I think it's possible the dragons would try to sabotage human development of guns .... so many possibilities!
Hey just out of sheer coincedence I read this today when reading about beeswax:
"Beeswax has been used for hundreds of years as a sealant or lubricant for bullets in cap and ball and firearms that use black powder. It is often mixed with other ingredients such as olive oil (sweet oil) and sometimes paraffin."

HA!! Molly helps Chade to mastermind the development of guns and makes a fortune with her contract to supply beeswax to the royal family!!!
Now I am on the lookout for any character growing olive trees and making olive oil in future books too.... Detective

RE: Chades powder equals... - maulkin - Apr-26-2010

(Apr-22-2010, 02:17 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: I agree canon would be fairly useless against dragons. Dragons are way too manouverable!
It seems to me that cannon could be quite effective against dragons if used defensively (e.g. in batteries mounted on castle walls) and a charge of grapeshot or chainshot could make a real mess of a dragon's wings. A liveship mounted with cannon would also be truly frightening, the figurehead could even hold and aim one!

RE: Chades powder equals... - redchild - Apr-27-2010

That could be a very interesting premise.

With the events that happened in the Tawny man series, it marked the influx of new technologies and discoveries. It may be the turning point where the Six Duchies moves out of its Medieval setting and enters a "Renaissance," though their Renaissance could be both very similar yet different from ours. With Fitz playing the role as the Catalyst in the picture, it wouldn't be very hard to imagine him in the center of events such as these. I recall him mentioning to Beloved how he felt like a barbarian in his travels in Bingtown and the surrounding areas, and I always felt that the southern countries seemed more advanced and complex in terms of technology and social/political relations. It would be interesting to see the Six Duchies develop with the help of advancements made by Chade and maybe the Coterie.

Maybe instead of a rebirth of interest in Greek and Latin knowledge, there would be a mass increase of interest in the knowledge of the Elderlings and the Dragons. I could imagine a melding of Chade's technology with those of the Elderlings', as well as how they would interact with Skill and Wit magic.

There is also definitely going to be some conflict between humans and dragons as a result of this. Dragon myths usually portray dragons as great, powerful foes and the question always comes up where if humans kill off their greatest enemies, who else is there left to fight but among themselves? The Elderlings lived in symbiosis with the dragons (though to me, they were the more submissive half of the partnership,) but it is clear to see the uneasiness the humans would feel after not being in contact with dragons for aeons.

So many possibilities!

*Btw I haven't read the new Dragon Keeper/Haven books, so I may be in the dark about some things 8|

RE: Chades powder equals... - Nuytsia - Apr-27-2010

Hmmm now I'm really unsure which way it will go !! (humans response to dragons)

Redchild I like the idea of a renaissance in the Hobb world sparked by interest in Elderlings/Dragons as a parallel to our real world Renaissance based on interest in ancient Greece etc.