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Arts & Crafts - FoolMoon - May-31-2010

Well, i don't know why there isn't a thread like this, but i like my art and really like to show off Proud
And since my art project this year was Jesters, i thought i could put it here for people to see.

All paintings are Acrylic on Canvas and were completely my work. The project deals with mental issues (madness and such) through the character of a Jester.

[Image: ie40wp.jpg] [Image: 2h3rngw.jpg]

[Image: aow8w7.jpg] [Image: 155rti8.jpg]

Hope you like it, and show some of your stuff here. it's always nice to see people's talent Big Grin

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - May-31-2010

(May-31-2010, 02:36 AM (UTC))FoolMoon Wrote: Well, i don't know why there isn't a thread like this, but i like my art and really like to show off Proud

Good lord neither do I !! Why didn't I think of this - I love seeing people's work! Clapping

Amazing work there! Unusual to see using tones of black/white with just one colour added.

RE: Arts & Crafts - Farseer - Jun-01-2010

Love them, FoolMoon, and I see you really weren't kidding in your bio "have a slight obsession with jesters" Big Grin !!!

RE: Arts & Crafts - FoolMoon - Jun-01-2010

(Jun-01-2010, 01:33 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: Love them, FoolMoon, and I see you really weren't kidding in your bio "have a slight obsession with jesters" Big Grin !!!

yeah well... it's a 5 years obsession with a lot of background. but it's kind of awesomeBig Grin

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jun-08-2010

Well I've been doing pottery lessons and here's some of my newbie attempts!

Evil bird.....

[Image: 29954_1492036501444_1249962217_1336951_7387170_s.jpg]

[Image: 29954_1492036541445_1249962217_1336952_1095222_s.jpg]

Wheel thrown little bowl

[Image: 29954_1492036421442_1249962217_1336950_5316837_s.jpg]

Put two different overlapping glazes on this one - like it!
(hehe a less successful piece is trying to get into the picture...!!)

[Image: 29954_1492036341440_1249962217_1336949_1242890_n.jpg]

Painted some designs on the side of this one.... weird pinky glow happened too but not sure why! Fun!

[Image: 29954_1492036581446_1249962217_1336953_7561218_n.jpg]

RE: Arts & Crafts - FoolMoon - Jun-08-2010

it's very nice. loved the evil bird.
i was never too good with pottery, so i guess i appreciate people who're good at it. the bowls are very cute as well Clapping

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jun-09-2010

thanks, it's harder than i thought! but practice makes perfect so i've got something to aim at anyway.

RE: Arts & Crafts - Nuytsia - Jul-25-2010

More pottery!!!
It's good to be able to make things just the right size to fit somewhere in your house. Fun!

[Image: 34766_1546049531736_1249962217_1472793_6358768_n.jpg]

RE: Arts & Crafts - 'thul - Jul-25-2010

These beings have made many different things over the years... most recently they have been working in full 3D... they have also made some black and white drawings, as well as many, many other things over the years...

Last year, while not really a piece of art, these beings made a kayak for themselves. Not a single gram of metal/plastic in it.

RE: Arts & Crafts - Farseer - Jul-26-2010

(Jul-25-2010, 04:23 PM (UTC))Nuytsia Wrote: More pottery!!!
It's good to be able to make things just the right size to fit somewhere in your house. Fun!

Love it, Nuytsia - well done!!!!!!

I actually thought your evil bird looked very Fool-like Big Grin - loved it!

It's silly, as I have many such pots housing an assortment of my plants, but I'd NEVER have thought to make a pottery pot plant holder (say THAT five times quickly P) !!

My favourite is your wheel-thrown bowl...very effective and looks oh, so, swish!!

*sigh* One day I will immerse myself in some's on my to-do list but that's as far as it's got (ok, so I have made some pinchpots with the kids, out of mud from the creek, and once sourced plans for a home-made kiln...a project also on my to-do list!!).

Keep us updated as to your progress, though I am very impressed by your 'newbie' efforts Flowers !!!
(Jul-25-2010, 08:26 PM (UTC))thul Wrote: Last year, while not really a piece of art, these beings made a kayak for themselves. Not a single gram of metal/plastic in it.

A kayak? That sounds AMAZING!