!Spoilers for all books) The Farseer Reign - Printable Version

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!Spoilers for all books) The Farseer Reign - Mercor - Nov-06-2014

SO I just finished reading all the books and wanted to discuss a few speculations i have.

From the Farseer Trilogy we know that King Taker conquered Buck and then the Six Duchies from the Outislands. We also learn that he had a special magic called the Skill which he bought with him (bear in mind we are given no true dates for this or the mountain eruption which caused the catastrophe but the Black Man survived throughout).

In The Tawny Man trilogy we learn of an almost untouched Elderling city in the Outislands. There is a (barely) living dragon nearby trying to die.

The Rain Wild Chronicles explain that in order for Elderlings to survive a dragon must watch over them. It also starts to explain that all magic comes from Silver and Sintara hints at Thymara's ability to Skill saying she should be able to block/control her thoughts.

I think that the Farseer line are descended from dragon touched Elderings from the Outislands (obviously) but also that specifically Icefyre must be their patron dragon, like Tintaglia to the Khuprus, otherwise they would not have survived. When Icefyre dies their line could have some real issues. Could Fitz be descended from The Black Man's Catalyst? The fool is related to The Black Man.

There are loads of other little ones just though this was noteworthy.

RE: !Spoilers for all books) The Farseer Reign - BrilliantFarseer - Dec-05-2014

(Nov-06-2014, 05:55 PM (UTC))Mercor Wrote: SO I just finished reading all the books and wanted to discuss a few speculations i have.

From the Farseer Trilogy we know that King Taker conquered Buck and then the Six Duchies from the Outislands. We also learn that he had a special magic called the Skill which he bought with him (bear in mind we are given no true dates for this or the mountain eruption which caused the catastrophe but the Black Man survived throughout).

In The Tawny Man trilogy we learn of an almost untouched Elderling city in the Outislands. There is a (barely) living dragon nearby trying to die.

The Rain Wild Chronicles explain that in order for Elderlings to survive a dragon must watch over them. It also starts to explain that all magic comes from Silver and Sintara hints at Thymara's ability to Skill saying she should be able to block/control her thoughts.

I think that the Farseer line are descended from dragon touched Elderings from the Outislands (obviously) but also that specifically Icefyre must be their patron dragon, like Tintaglia to the Khuprus, otherwise they would not have survived. When Icefyre dies their line could have some real issues. Could Fitz be descended from The Black Man's Catalyst? The fool is related to The Black Man.

There are loads of other little ones just though this was noteworthy.

I really do like the last point. That Fitz may be descended from the Black Man's Catalyst. It may fit. Although didn't the Black Man's Catalyst die and that is why the Black Man came to Ashjeval in the first place because he wanted to find something to replace his catalyst. I may be wrong there, but I am remembering it that way today.