[from news] Farseer trilogy - Folio Society edition - Printable Version

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[from news] Farseer trilogy - Folio Society edition - Mellow the Minstrel - Apr-04-2021

Farseer trilogy - Folio Society edition

Back in September 2020, Folio Society published a new illustrated edition of the Farseer trilogy. This is a boxed set of hardcovers with a new introduction by Robin Hobb and a redrawn double-page map by Neil Gower. Each book has 5 full-page colour illustrations by David Palumbo. A set of 240 copies of the trilogy were made available with a bookplate signed by the author as well as the illustrator; these sold out in a matter of hours. The regular edition is still available. If you're curious to see what these books look like inside, Pontus Presents has a detailed review video on youtube. ...