More eBook bundles coming? - Printable Version

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More eBook bundles coming? - lucidrose - Jul-22-2012

Hi, awesome site!

I am trying to find out eBook bundles of RH's other works are forthcoming. I haven't been able to find anything on her site or via google.

If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.



RE: More eBook bundles coming? - Farseer - Jul-23-2012

G'day lucidrose and welcome to thePlenty! Slurp

When you say 'eBook bundles', exactly which ebooks of Robin's are you chasing/do you have already?

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - lucidrose - Jul-23-2012

Thanks for the reply.

I am looking to find out if the Live Ship and the Tawny Man series may be offered as an eBook bundle as they are currently doing now with the Soldier Son trilogy, at a discount.

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - 'thul - Jul-24-2012

These beings have not heard about any of those two trilogies in a bundle, but who knows what the future will bring?

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - Farseer - Jul-24-2012

No, me either. The Liveship Traders ebooks have only fairly recently been made available at all (at least the UK/Australia versions), and were even taken off the market at one point early in the piece to fix many glaring errors therein after we chatted about it in the Newsgroup, so I'd doubt that they will be available at a discount price for some time yet...but I could be proven wrong. Wink

The Farseer and RWC ebooks (at least, DK and DH) have fairly recently been discounted as well (though I believe that they were on offer as single ebooks, staggered over a period of time, not as a bundle like the recent SS offer?) as, as you have mentioned, the SS ebooks. Possibly the Tawny Man ebooks will follow at some stage, maybe leading up to the release of Blood of Dragons next year but, should that happen, I would imagine that Robin's site will be the first place to let us know. Flowers

As it was the SS bundle was only available for US viewers from memory so lucky you, lucidrose, if you got them! Clapping If you *are* from the US, the HarperVoyager Books site would be a handy place to find out about such offers also. For others of you, there is the UK site or the Australian site (the latter being the one I visit most! P

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - lucidrose - Jul-25-2012

Thanks for all the replies...yes, I am in US Yay

I will check out the site again. Maybe these will be coming, sounds like its unknown....

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - finella - Aug-28-2012

I recently bought all three Tawny Man books for quite a reasonable price for my kindle. Some 5,- € per book. It wasn't a bundle though, but still good enough for meSmiling.

RE: More eBook bundles coming? - Mervi - Aug-29-2012

Last couple of times these bundles were released Robin alerted me herself which is why I posted about them in the main news section. If I wasn't so busy having a ~real life~ right now, I'd be surfing around more and might come cross more news. As things stand, I'm always happy to spread the news you all find via all possible methods... So if you do come across more offers like these, please do let me know. Smiling