2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Printable Version

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2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Farseer - Sep-23-2012

So, here's a link to the Patrick Rothfuss site regarding an upcoming calendar which will feature one of Robin's characters. Of the character, this is what Robin had to say on her site:

Quote:The angle for me is that one of my characters will appear in the pin up calendar. I’m not going to post which characater it is; I’ll leave that for Pat and Lee to reveal as the calendar release date gets closer. The only hint is that out of all my characters, there was one who I thought would truly enjoy being a pin up!

I must admit that I'm not interested in purchasing the calendar myself, but I can't help and try to guess which of Robin's characters will feature in it. So, which character do you predict that it will be?

Off the top of my head I think I'd have to go with a non-human, non-Elderling character in either Fennel or Sintara. Might think on it some more...

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - joost - Sep-23-2012

Regal. He's vain enough to want to be in such a calendar.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Narya - Sep-23-2012

Starling. I can definitely see here in a cheesecake pose.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Sep-23-2012

These beings think it could be an Elderling. They are the most unique of the character types of the tangle leader appearance-wise.

Of course, that doesn't necessarily fit with the "enjoy pin-up" aspect... It could also be a dragon... they're certainly vain enough...

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - fool-ish - Sep-23-2012

I'll have to go with Lord Golden P

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Sep-24-2012

of course you do...

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - finella - Sep-25-2012

Hm, Tintaglia is vain enough. Ophelia would also love it, I bet.

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Sep-25-2012

Why did these beings forget liveships as candidates? They're at least as egoistical as dragons, if not more...

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - Farseer - Sep-25-2012

(Sep-23-2012, 03:26 PM (UTC))joost Wrote: Regal. He's vain enough to want to be in such a calendar.


I think I told you all about the iPad that my son got me for my birthday? I am hereby replying to this thread on it. Proud

RE: 2013 Fantasy Pin-up Calendar (possible spoilers all Hobb books) - 'thul - Sep-25-2012

you know what 'thul call the act of buying many apple products?
