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RE: Fantasy recommendations - joost - Sep-24-2011

The graveyard book is a children's (from about 10 and older) book by the way, although adults can enjoy it too. If you like that genre, 'The thief of always' (Clive Barker) is a good read too. Neil Gaiman's 'Odd and the frost giants' is aimed at a slightly younger audience.

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Farseer - Sep-24-2011

That's all great to know, thanks joost. I've been gradually breaking out but that genre has actually made up the majority of my reading material for the past fifteen years P , and I'm always on the look-out for books to share with my children (as well as enjoy myself).

Along with the many others that I've recommended as reads aimed for a younger audience, I also enjoyed The Book of Lies, Master of the Books and The Book from Baden Dark by James Moloney, and Troll Fell, Troll Mill and Troll Blood by Katherine Langrish (the latter being inspired by vikings which is a subject I really like to read about!).

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Farseer - Nov-02-2011

I wasn't quite sure where to place it but here's a link to NPR's Top 100 Science-Fiction and Fantasy list as voted on their survey earlier in the year. Here is an interesting flowchart that has been put together, based on the results...a great idea, especially for those readers who are quite new to the genre.

EDIT: If I were looking at reading some Patrick Rothfuss in the upcoming school holidays, where would be a good place to start? SECOND EDIT: Should I go with 'The Name of the Wind' or try and source the related short story?

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Valarya - Nov-03-2011

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread for NOT mentioning the Wheel of Time or Sword of Truth series'.

Based on that fact alone, I'm actually very excited to go back through the thread and pick up some of the recommended books. Cool

(Oct-20-2009, 01:16 AM (UTC))n00854180t Wrote: Oh, I also recommend the Coldfire Trilogy by C. S. Friedman, as it's a verra nice sci-fi presented as fantasy series.

Love this series. I've read it a couple times and just fall in love with it each time. Have you tried her newest trilogy.. the Magister's Trilogy? I believe only two books are out currently but it's wonderful as well. Completely different world/magic/story.

(Jul-05-2010, 05:29 PM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. It's AMAZING, and mostly told in first person. It blew me away. The main character is a bit arrogant, but the writing is wonderful. It's the first book of the Kingkiller Chronicles, and the second one isn't coming out until 2011, so you might want to wait for this one...

Yes and yes. So glad someone else mentioned Rothfuss. He's in my top-three favorite authors, alongside Hobb and Martin. I think he's one of those people who is just blessed with the knack for writing. I even follow his daily blog. Him, Hobb and Martin all three.. even if they're just writing a one-paragraph news update on their websites, they all have that knack for making them informative, interesting, witty and oftentimes humorous.

Has anyone here read all of the Steven Brust Dragaera books?

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Farseer - Nov-03-2011

I haven't read anything by Steven Brust but was glad to hear that you hold Rothfuss in such high bodes well for my holiday reading! Smiling

RE: Fantasy recommendations - fool-ish - Nov-03-2011

I've just ordered book one of the 'Wolfsblade' trilogy by Jennifer Fallon. Judging by the reviews it sounded like a decent read. I do hope so.

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Farseer - Nov-03-2011

^ Oh, I'd be interested to hear what you think, fool-ish. I have a lot of Jennifer's work still to get through. Book

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Farseer - Dec-15-2011

I have been thinking about these books for a while so it's possible I've asked this question before...

Has anyone read any of the Assassin's Creed-related novels written by Oliver Bowden (not the graphic novels)? I have never played the games but my sons have enjoyed them in the past and I wonder if they would then also like the novels. They do look quite appealing? 'thul? redchild? Anyone else who's a 'gamer'?

RE: Fantasy recommendations - Valarya - Dec-15-2011

I'm a gamer but the only gaming-related stuff I've read are the Forgotten Realms books, but even those can't be contributed to gaming alone (dungeons and dragons lol).

Great games, though!! Are your sons readers? Ask them if they'd like to read them, maybe? Good luck! Smiling

RE: Fantasy recommendations - 'thul - Dec-15-2011

These beings have not read those books, having not played the games. (more than a few minutes at a time over long periods of time)

However, if your sons have played the "mass effect" games, then the novels for those are well-written and recommended, and entirely true to the storyline.