Mar-18-2010, 11:12 PM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Mar-29-2012, 02:35 PM (UTC) by Farseer.)
I debated whether or not to post this here yet, but since people are going to start asking about it sooner or later anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to do it sooner. This info is from Robin's newsgroup (here) but as those links aren't permanent, don't expect the link to work after a few months (which is another reason I decided to post).
So, the question is - what is Robin writing right now, after the Rain Wild Chronicles? (Since the upcoming anthologies are finished on her part.)
And the answer is
So, the question is - what is Robin writing right now, after the Rain Wild Chronicles? (Since the upcoming anthologies are finished on her part.)
And the answer is
Quote:My current work in progress does not have a set title yet, so I've avoided calling it anything other than The Next Book.
But, here it is March already, and St. Patrick's day even, so I suppose it's time to share a bit more.
I think of it as Dragon Traders, but that is NOT the title, so I hope it won't sweep out into the internet by that name!
It takes place in Kelsingra, and carries on with some characters from The Rain Wilds Chronicles.
There. That's as much as I want to say right now. If I start posting about it and talking about it, I'll talk it flat and it won't be fun to write any more!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny