May-25-2012, 05:35 AM (UTC)
Err, that's all I know. I was curious about Wizard's First Rule but could never find a paperback copy in Finnish shops (they only had volume 11 of the series around those days). There was no UK ebook copy as I recall, and one US hobbling (who shall go unnamed unless they want to take the credit) who is a huge fan of Goodkind offered to buy the book for me as a gift. They only requested to know the email address that is connected to my account/kindle and the next thing I know I had the book on my iPad.
Maybe there's another US hobbling who is ready to test gifting copies of WLC and you guys can pay back through PayPal or something?
Maybe there's another US hobbling who is ready to test gifting copies of WLC and you guys can pay back through PayPal or something?
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny