Apr-15-2010, 09:01 PM (UTC)
When reading Robin's rant is should also be mentioned and remembered that it was originally posted in a very specific context. Her own website was modelled after her house and the rant was in the attic that could only be accessed by clicking on a picture of a "mad woman" guarding the door. The fanfiction rant wasn't the only one that was published there, although the rest didn't get quite as much attention. There was also a book-to-movie rant, and piece written about the dangers of blogging (for authors). Probably something else as well, I just can't remember it now. Anyway - my point is that the style of those writings (taken in context) was deliberately over the top and/or sarcastic and and even though I have no doubt that Robin expressed her sincere opinions in them, they were taken too seriously (probably mostly because people started to post pieces of them elsewhere or linking directly to that page so the context of the attic and the "mad woman" was lost).
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny