Oct-22-2012, 08:24 AM (UTC)
Thanks for your welcome. As for "recently", you have to take that with a grain of salt. While mant of these books are summer reading, I did start reading The Prince of Nothing back in February. I eventually just ended up listing most things I've read in my absecence from ThePlenty. In addition, there's a period during which I read very, very little. (Which would be when I was struggling with my two thesises. Oh, I did have time, but I lost all desire to read for a while.)
The thing is, the more time you have, the less efficiently you spend it. Ever since I graduated college, I've been sitting at home ad while sending out job applications does take time, it's not a 24-hour activity. I have lots of time to read, but my actual reading pace has slowed. It took me two weeks to get through The Lions of Al-Rassan, and it ended up boring me to death.
The thing is, the more time you have, the less efficiently you spend it. Ever since I graduated college, I've been sitting at home ad while sending out job applications does take time, it's not a 24-hour activity. I have lots of time to read, but my actual reading pace has slowed. It took me two weeks to get through The Lions of Al-Rassan, and it ended up boring me to death.
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