Apr-08-2019, 11:29 AM (UTC)
This is a reply to Mervi's fantastic comment in the RE: The Dragon Keeper "Contraversial?" Hobb and sexuality. *Major Spoilers! thread because I keep getting 403 Forbidden errors constantly when I try to post. Grrrr!
TEST to see if it will give me another 403 error
TEST to see if it will give me another 403 error
Discover where you are now, and go on from there, making the best of things. Accept your life, and you might survive it. If you hold back from it, insisting this is not your life, not where you are meant to be, life will pass you by. You may not die from such foolishness, but you might as well be dead for all the good your life will do you or anyone else. - Vivacia to Wintrow, The Mad Ship