Feb-28-2011, 11:49 AM (UTC)
Yes it's interesting to think of the ways the world is changing!
I think it presents as many opportunities as it closes off, but I suppose change is always hard for a lot of people/businesses/countries!
No I must admit I haven't been back to Perth to visit since I left (4 years ago!!! how did that happen?) but my mum has been over here a couple of times.
Happening in my world: close encounters of the arachnid kind.
Gees I went into the bathroom last night and as I opened the door and turned on the light and walked to the sink I somehow managed, at the very edge of my peripheral vision, to catch sight of a LEG moving on my left shoulderblade (ie on my back) which my brain immediately categorised as of the HUNTSMAN variety......!
After a short burst of screaming and wriggling I went in the other room to ask my partner if he could see a spider on my back...... which he answered in the negative..... which made ask a little anxiously ARE YOU SURE?????????????
But it turns out for some reason he just said that so I wouldn't freak out (errr too late) and it of course WAS still on my back and he was trying to get it off ........which he did (cunningly using one of his dirty socks, which I am sure anaesthetised it).
I am guessing it was lurking above the bathroom door in the dark and dropped down onto me as I opened the door and walked through.......
I think it presents as many opportunities as it closes off, but I suppose change is always hard for a lot of people/businesses/countries!
No I must admit I haven't been back to Perth to visit since I left (4 years ago!!! how did that happen?) but my mum has been over here a couple of times.
Happening in my world: close encounters of the arachnid kind.
Gees I went into the bathroom last night and as I opened the door and turned on the light and walked to the sink I somehow managed, at the very edge of my peripheral vision, to catch sight of a LEG moving on my left shoulderblade (ie on my back) which my brain immediately categorised as of the HUNTSMAN variety......!
After a short burst of screaming and wriggling I went in the other room to ask my partner if he could see a spider on my back...... which he answered in the negative..... which made ask a little anxiously ARE YOU SURE?????????????
But it turns out for some reason he just said that so I wouldn't freak out (errr too late) and it of course WAS still on my back and he was trying to get it off ........which he did (cunningly using one of his dirty socks, which I am sure anaesthetised it).
I am guessing it was lurking above the bathroom door in the dark and dropped down onto me as I opened the door and walked through.......