Mar-03-2011, 11:36 PM (UTC)
Just went through the affiliate links and polished things a bit again. Fixed the BD links so if you still see browsers timing out on loading the page, please let me know - then there's something seriously wrong. I added the opening in a new window where I dared - (that is, everywhere except with amazon, because their links are weird and policies scary). What else? Um, commissions. rises slowly but steadily towards our goal - it's at £16.06 currently. displays a whopping USD 1.11 (but it's still a new program for us, so... ) - the and the abebooks programs haven't generated anything yet. sales have been very quiet for awhile now, but I hope to see some action there once the Inheritance starts shipping. recently gifted me with a $10.30 gift certificate that had been "in the making" since September 2009 (and it includes sales through some of my other sites as well). My apologies for the boring details - I think it's fair for you guys to know how this stuff works since you put up with the advertisements. If we collectively decide one day that it's not worth it, then I shall remove them. *kicks the amazon servers for being so slow to serve the widgets*
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny