Jul-09-2011, 09:57 PM (UTC)
Aw thanks Farseer for sorting my messy post! I will try to do better next time
Make-up then. I wear mascara most days only because I was at the back of the eyelash queue too! But that's all I wear unless I'm going out on the razz, then I do like to wear a 'full face' as it were. It's a confidence thing for most girls/women I think, although there are those who over-do it to an extreme that just looks ridiculous. Each to their own though I suppose
Make-up then. I wear mascara most days only because I was at the back of the eyelash queue too! But that's all I wear unless I'm going out on the razz, then I do like to wear a 'full face' as it were. It's a confidence thing for most girls/women I think, although there are those who over-do it to an extreme that just looks ridiculous. Each to their own though I suppose