Dec-07-2011, 02:13 PM (UTC)
And, as a non-drinker, likely not worth the effort for me BUT I will give it a go. Hopefully I can source some fresh apricots from somewhere on my long drive tomorrow and Friday. I never thought I'd ever utter the word 'hope' anywhere in the same sentence as 'source apricots'...I can't stand them! The things I do in the name of my RotE addiction!!
My son did Chemistry for his last three years of secondary schooling and at one time had a go at wine-making as part of the curriculum. They used different fruits, like mangoes, and experimented with various components of each wine they produced eg the sweetness etc. I can't stand wine at the best of times so it was especially difficult to make my way through the grand wine tasting night when everything was finally ready to be tested...and I even had to swallow, not 'swirl, sniff, slurp and spit'...BLECKY!
My son did Chemistry for his last three years of secondary schooling and at one time had a go at wine-making as part of the curriculum. They used different fruits, like mangoes, and experimented with various components of each wine they produced eg the sweetness etc. I can't stand wine at the best of times so it was especially difficult to make my way through the grand wine tasting night when everything was finally ready to be tested...and I even had to swallow, not 'swirl, sniff, slurp and spit'...BLECKY!
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."