Mar-19-2011, 02:08 AM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Mar-19-2011, 02:13 AM (UTC) by Farseer.)
(Mar-18-2011, 08:50 PM (UTC))thul Wrote: These beings wonder if perhaps Thymara will end up choosing Rapskal,
Yet to read the rest of the posts but this jumped out. I agree. I don't see Thymara and Tats together at all...Rapskal is the one for her, at least from the current group of characters in her immediate vicinity or, at least, that's how it appeared to me at the end of DH.
Now that I've put that in print, Thymara and Tats will get together!

It also seems likely that Rapskal, like Heeby (and most other Hobb characters!), will prove to be even 'more' as he was seen as the 'least' of the dragonkeeper group in many ways. Of course, he has already done more by proving that Heeby would be the first to fly but possibly there is still more greatness for Rapskal to reveal of himself?
EDIT: Not to mention that Rapskal was the first, at least of the Rain Wilders/Bingtowners etc, to rediscover Kelsingra. END EDIT
In another thread we wondered if Thymara may not even end up choosing someone else from another part of the realm as a way of instigating a political alliance such as what was achieved through the bringing together of *Farseer/Tawny Man spoilers* . Of course this is fairly unlikely but you never know...outsiders may have tended to view the Rain Wilders and their looks as strange but opinions are changing and it would also now be seen as a bit of a coup to partner an Elderling, particularly a rarely-winged one!
I can't add too much without throwing in Farseer stuff as I am hoping we see at least a few hints of characters from the Six Duchies *Major Farseer/Tawny Man spoilers*
Love it, Oblivia! I took particular interest as I thought I'd seen it on the Blood Memories site...?
I'm happy to continue adding spolier tags for Farseer/Tawny Man etc in here but I might add a spoiler tag for LST and RWC in the actual thread title? I'd assume that most who head to this thread will have read at least those books but...

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."