Jan-12-2012, 02:37 PM (UTC)
I only say this because when I first began the series, I didn't truly know there were 9 books to the tale - as a whole. I thought they were three separate trilogies, so when I finished Farseer, and heard that Tawny Man was Fitz & the Fool again, I jumped straight in to Book 7 without touching a single LST book. There were MANY times during that trilogy I was just completely confused. Of course, imagine... serpents to dragons? What does it all mean? Hahah
Eventually I went back and read the series straight-through, as intended, and it made SO much more sense, and felt much more complete.
Eventually I went back and read the series straight-through, as intended, and it made SO much more sense, and felt much more complete.

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” ~Patrick Rothfuss in The Name of the Wind
“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” ~Patrick Rothfuss in The Name of the Wind