Dec-17-2010, 05:55 PM (UTC)
How do we cope? Some better, some not so much. SAD is a very real thing, despite the funny abbreviation. But I guess the short winter days is something you get used to, especially if you've lived here your whole life. And on the other hand we get those crazy summer nights when the sun almost doesn't set at all (or well, doesn't set at all if you go really up north) - I guess that balances things out. I couldn't imagine a life without four distinct seasons.
But yeah, things like light therapy lamps or taking melatonin seem to help some people and the good old healthy nutrition + exercise is something to be kept in mind. But I honestly think that in a perfect world we would actually allow ourselves to "slow down" for winter months without feeling guilty about it - it's just the natural order of things that our bodies respond to the lack of light. So I fully support the "staying home reading a book and drinking lots of hot chocolate or tea" scheme when possible!

"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny