Jul-16-2010, 05:09 PM (UTC)
(Jul-15-2010, 03:01 PM (UTC))Farseer Wrote:(Apr-22-2010, 02:34 AM (UTC))Farseer Wrote: It wasn't an ending to me, and could never be as long as Changer was alive...as Fool himself attested, Fitz was and always would be the catalyst.Hey Nuytsia. Just found the passage from where I got my info for this old post and why I agreed with Witted Bastard...it comes from Chapter Thirty-Four in the UK version of FF, Commitments pg 729:
Fool says to Fitz, "You are still the Changer, still the Catalyst. Even in the short time you were at Buckkeep, you've proved that. Change is swirling around you like a whirlpool. Restored, you no longer flee it, but seem to attract it. And I, I am blind now, when it comes to seeing what vast changes my influence upon you can cause. So...I will not be coming with you."
Not only does this passage tell us that Fitz is still Changer but his power as the Catalyst is even greater than ever before, after Fool's restoration of him. It also clearly tells us why Fool felt he had to leave.
Thanks Farseer!
Yep I guess we don't know for sure about what has happened with previous prophets/catalysts, but it doesn't make sense to me that there can be one without the other. But then I'm not Robin Hobb so I don't know how it all works!
Then again, just because the Fool *says* this doesn't mean I necessarily believe it

(Jul-15-2010, 06:02 PM (UTC))Syrocko Wrote: How likely are you to switch your sexual preference if the right boy/girl comes along?
Well I'd seriously consider it if I went through some of the stuff they do together!!! Really.
Nice points in your posts Syrocko, and I don't disagree with a lot of what you say. I couldn't really envisage something like Fitz and the Fool get together and live happily ever after!!! I just felt gutted by what did happen.
(Jul-16-2010, 04:16 AM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: What bugged me the most wasn't that the Fool left Fitz. I'm a sadistic reader; the more pain the characters go through, the more I enjoy catching every facet of their reactions.You must have loved Fool's Fate!!!
(Jul-16-2010, 04:16 AM (UTC))NeverBeenWise Wrote: No, I was just upset that Chade was telling Fitz about how he'd missed the Fool by a week... and Fitz didn't say anything, even to himself, of shock or sorrow. He just nodded. I mean, even one line, one line would have sufficed: something like either a sick sense of sadness, or a concession to his apathy.
This was one of the main aspects that bugged me too .....
(Jul-16-2010, 01:12 PM (UTC))Mervi Wrote: I didn't get the impression that Fitz passively accepted that he'd never see the Fool again. I think he just refuses to even deal with that thought, so he makes sure he's busy living his life and enjoying the things he can. But that's just my interpretation.
I kind of agree with Mervi on this one.
But I'll go further!
Fitz partially forged HIMSELF as he couldn't deal with the Fool going away!!