Feb-09-2012, 07:43 AM (UTC)
G'day KeyIsland - great to have you back with us! 
From what I can recall, this thread was mainly to allow those who were unhappy with the 'ending' of the Tawny Man trilogy (I wasn't one of them!) to vent their spleen. Still, I'm happy to outline the end of AQ for you and knowing that some others here (fool-ish?) have not long finished a re-read, they may be able to accurately pitch in too.
As well as here, you can always take a look around the wiki but beware, there will be spoilers for all of the other books as well. I think I recall that you have read the LST series but all of the other books, including those in the Rain Wild Chronicles, appear in the wiki info. Erk! Just had a look and there's lots still to be added even for major characters such as Fitz. I think an overview of each book in the 'book' section would be handy too. Will add those ideas to the wiki thread.
Be back soon with my outline...will work on it in a Word doc first so I don't lost it all here!

From what I can recall, this thread was mainly to allow those who were unhappy with the 'ending' of the Tawny Man trilogy (I wasn't one of them!) to vent their spleen. Still, I'm happy to outline the end of AQ for you and knowing that some others here (fool-ish?) have not long finished a re-read, they may be able to accurately pitch in too.
As well as here, you can always take a look around the wiki but beware, there will be spoilers for all of the other books as well. I think I recall that you have read the LST series but all of the other books, including those in the Rain Wild Chronicles, appear in the wiki info. Erk! Just had a look and there's lots still to be added even for major characters such as Fitz. I think an overview of each book in the 'book' section would be handy too. Will add those ideas to the wiki thread.
Be back soon with my outline...will work on it in a Word doc first so I don't lost it all here!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."