Jul-12-2011, 09:13 AM (UTC)
These beings have a feeling that the books are placed not long after each other... Most likely the Kelsingra-baiting probably started either around the birth of Prince Prosper or when said prince reached 2-3 years of age.
Considering how the royal pair had come to like each other, these beings have doubts they would have chosen to postpone working on getting that heir. Unlike near the rain wilds, there is no evidence of any difficulty for the women to get pregnant (there are however, remarkably strong difficulties for the men to do so), it would most likely not have taken more than a few months for it to start. add in 9 months gestation to that, and you get approximately 1 year.
Rather than merely split it out, these beings suggest moving such directly to the wiki. That is where a timeline belongs.
'thul would have started said article, but cant seem to log into wiki right now.
anyways, here's a start:
Late summer, year 1 - Icefyre unburied.
Harvest, year 1 - Marriage of Dutiful & Elliana, dragons fly south to Winter, Year 1 - Dragons fly south to make life difficult for Chalced.
late winter, year 2 - Fitz leaves to visit Molly.
Summer, year 2 - Elliana pregnant
Late summer, year 2 - Fitz and Molly get back together.
Autumn, year 2 - Chivalry, son of Burrich, married.
autumnish, year 3 - First child of chivalry born
Year 3 or 4 - Calling sent out, 12 responded, Steady among them.
year 5 - Second child born
year 5 - Molly, Hearth & Just left for Withywoods.
year 5 - Fitz & Molly married quietly.
Considering how the royal pair had come to like each other, these beings have doubts they would have chosen to postpone working on getting that heir. Unlike near the rain wilds, there is no evidence of any difficulty for the women to get pregnant (there are however, remarkably strong difficulties for the men to do so), it would most likely not have taken more than a few months for it to start. add in 9 months gestation to that, and you get approximately 1 year.
Rather than merely split it out, these beings suggest moving such directly to the wiki. That is where a timeline belongs.
'thul would have started said article, but cant seem to log into wiki right now.
anyways, here's a start:
Late summer, year 1 - Icefyre unburied.
Harvest, year 1 - Marriage of Dutiful & Elliana, dragons fly south to Winter, Year 1 - Dragons fly south to make life difficult for Chalced.
late winter, year 2 - Fitz leaves to visit Molly.
Summer, year 2 - Elliana pregnant
Late summer, year 2 - Fitz and Molly get back together.
Autumn, year 2 - Chivalry, son of Burrich, married.
autumnish, year 3 - First child of chivalry born
Year 3 or 4 - Calling sent out, 12 responded, Steady among them.
year 5 - Second child born
year 5 - Molly, Hearth & Just left for Withywoods.
year 5 - Fitz & Molly married quietly.
when 'thul write in all italics, it is the lord of the three realms within 'thul speaking. A fairly egoistical, but also somewhat simple-minded dragon. Do not take such posts at face value.
when 'thul write in all italics, it is the lord of the three realms within 'thul speaking. A fairly egoistical, but also somewhat simple-minded dragon. Do not take such posts at face value.
"Its for charity. Widows and orphans. We need more of them."
"Its for charity. Widows and orphans. We need more of them."