Aug-05-2011, 12:54 AM (UTC)

Yes, Clarity, there will be at least another two books in the RWC set - City of Dragons and Blood of Dragons or Dragon Blood. Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven were only ever meant to be one, stand-alone work but the manuscript was so long that it was instead published as two books (which is why DK seemed to end so abruptly in comparison to most book endings).
The same has happened with City of Dragons and Blood of Dragons/Dragon Blood. Robin presented her single, too-many-words manuscript (it was almost double the word count) to her publishers and, rather than have her take anything out, they allowed her to split it again and later do rewrites to each part to create a 'fuller' story (which Robin was more than happy to do!). At the last update, she had only about one hundred pages of rewrites to do for BoD/DB.
When it all comes out in the wash, we will have two manuscripts in the form of four books, with more that may (or may not) come in that set.

As an aside...remember how we wondered what the name of Althea and Brashen's son was, as it was never mentioned in the text? Unable to find a name within any of her notes, Robin can't remember it and has asked if anyone knows it.

Good stuff. I suddenly don't feel so bad about getting tangled in a title or two!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."