Feb-07-2012, 06:50 AM (UTC)
Dang it! I was hoping to circumvent my being 'stuck' and be able to download it as well but it won't let me until April...when it's due out here in Australia!!!!
Argh! I had a feeling that it would happen but I was hoping, hoping, hoping I could get the US version...but I can't!
We've had over thirteen inches of rain here so I'll be lucky to get out any time soon...not to mention that there are creeks and rivers over the road nearly all the way to the coast at present...where the bookstores are and where the mail comes from!
Damn you, you wet seasons in North Queensland!
It is truly time for a seachange!
Have fun the rest of you!

Argh! I had a feeling that it would happen but I was hoping, hoping, hoping I could get the US version...but I can't!

We've had over thirteen inches of rain here so I'll be lucky to get out any time soon...not to mention that there are creeks and rivers over the road nearly all the way to the coast at present...where the bookstores are and where the mail comes from!

Damn you, you wet seasons in North Queensland!

Have fun the rest of you!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."