May-16-2012, 11:11 PM (UTC)
(May-16-2012, 09:36 PM (UTC))thul Wrote: Tommorrow is a true national holiday here in Norway... Lots of songs, flags, fine clothes and children all around.Well, dragons don't really go in for that sort of thing. Can't really visualise a dragon waving a flag, singing or wearing fine clothes and they really should be kept away from children, lest they scare the wotsits out of 'em!
But no fresh meat offered to dragons, which is sad.
We've got an extra public holiday this year due to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and it's a wonder we're not getting another one thrown in for the opening of the Olympic Games...sick to the back teeth of hearing about it, I am! I know it's an honour to host the games and all that, but really, must they go on and on and on about it constantly!! It occupies every waking hour through the media, whether it be the news, radio or newspaper. Not to mention all the fripperies on display when shopping, at ridiculous prices I might add!
Ok, I've done ranting now. I'm such a whinge-bag at the moment, I need another holiday I think

*for the night is dark and full of turnips*