Sep-30-2012, 02:28 PM (UTC)
these beings have now(ish) started playing an older computer game again... the kind that takes all day yet doesn't require constant attention to play. (named "virtual villagers)
'thul also just got back from a series of first aid practice sessions, where they acted out three out of six scenarioes. (overly drunk on friday, epileptic on saturday and a slashed artery in the wrist today. Lots of fun. (and today, lots of blood...)
'thul also just got back from a series of first aid practice sessions, where they acted out three out of six scenarioes. (overly drunk on friday, epileptic on saturday and a slashed artery in the wrist today. Lots of fun. (and today, lots of blood...)
when 'thul write in all italics, it is the lord of the three realms within 'thul speaking. A fairly egoistical, but also somewhat simple-minded dragon. Do not take such posts at face value.
when 'thul write in all italics, it is the lord of the three realms within 'thul speaking. A fairly egoistical, but also somewhat simple-minded dragon. Do not take such posts at face value.
"Its for charity. Widows and orphans. We need more of them."
"Its for charity. Widows and orphans. We need more of them."