Jul-19-2010, 02:49 PM (UTC)
Yes, great idea, Liquid Ice - I love quotes too, and have HEAPS of favourites! Here are a few:
"Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides."
--Garth Brooks, from his country song 'The River'
One of my favourite lyrics in one of my favourite songs...I listen to it at least once a day!
"Just because there's a green light, it doesn't mean it's good to go."
--Phil 'Gus' Gould, Australian Rugby League personality
This was said in reference to an incident whereby a number of high-profile football players (some of whom were married) were involved in an ugly group sex scandal with a woman who was said to have 'consented' to the act. It wasn't a pretty incident and neither was the fall-out...I thought this classic quote summed it all up and is a piece of good advice for every facet of life.
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."
--Weary Dunlop
Edward 'Weary' Dunlop was a well-known Australian surgeon and war hero. This quote mirrors the frustration I feel from time-to-time, as a consequence of having held numerous roles and been involved in various organisations and groups over the years.
"There is no try, only do or do not."
--Yoda, Jedi Master
What can I say? Yoda said it...
"This face isn't perfect but it suits me."
--maulkin (100 questions thread, here on thePlenty)
"Feel the fear and do it anyway."
--Susan Jeffers
From the book of the same name. I was at a week-long school function many, many years ago, and given it to read by a schoolteacher friend...the insights of the book are lost to me, but the title remains!
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;"
--William Shakespeare - 'As You Like It'
Probably an over-quoted line but I like it anyway!
"Oh bother!"
--Winnie the Pooh
What else can you expect from a bear of very little brain
"Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides."
--Garth Brooks, from his country song 'The River'
One of my favourite lyrics in one of my favourite songs...I listen to it at least once a day!
"Just because there's a green light, it doesn't mean it's good to go."
--Phil 'Gus' Gould, Australian Rugby League personality
This was said in reference to an incident whereby a number of high-profile football players (some of whom were married) were involved in an ugly group sex scandal with a woman who was said to have 'consented' to the act. It wasn't a pretty incident and neither was the fall-out...I thought this classic quote summed it all up and is a piece of good advice for every facet of life.
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."
--Weary Dunlop
Edward 'Weary' Dunlop was a well-known Australian surgeon and war hero. This quote mirrors the frustration I feel from time-to-time, as a consequence of having held numerous roles and been involved in various organisations and groups over the years.
"There is no try, only do or do not."
--Yoda, Jedi Master
What can I say? Yoda said it...
"This face isn't perfect but it suits me."
--maulkin (100 questions thread, here on thePlenty)
"Feel the fear and do it anyway."
--Susan Jeffers
From the book of the same name. I was at a week-long school function many, many years ago, and given it to read by a schoolteacher friend...the insights of the book are lost to me, but the title remains!
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;"
--William Shakespeare - 'As You Like It'
Probably an over-quoted line but I like it anyway!
"Oh bother!"
--Winnie the Pooh
What else can you expect from a bear of very little brain

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."