NOTE FROM THE DREADFUL ADMIN Since this was a limited-time offer (and may I add a very generous one) from the publisher, I feel we shouldn't be linking to copies of it here anymore. So I've removed the links and ask you kindly NOT to flood anyone's inboxes with requests for the file. Instead go and buy the book, it's worth every coin.
We were offered coffee and biscuits, let's not wolf down what's in the cupboards as well. (And yes, posting about similar future offers from the publishers/the author is very much welcome still.)
UPDATE: Here's the new location of the PDF:
UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming number of requests, I've uploaded the PDF to a public location so I won't have to email it out every time.
1. Go to
2. Use the password
3. Download the PDF.
UPDATE: Several people have stumbled on this topic and emailed me asking for the PDF. Just so you know I still have the PDF if anyone wants it. You can contact me here, on twitter, or facebook.
Suvudu Free Book Library is giving away Assassin's Apprentice! It's a PDF, but it's free, so you can't beat that.
If you miss the give away this month, send me a message and I'll send you a copy of the one I downloaded.

UPDATE: Here's the new location of the PDF:
UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming number of requests, I've uploaded the PDF to a public location so I won't have to email it out every time.
1. Go to
2. Use the password
3. Download the PDF.
UPDATE: Several people have stumbled on this topic and emailed me asking for the PDF. Just so you know I still have the PDF if anyone wants it. You can contact me here, on twitter, or facebook.
Suvudu Free Book Library is giving away Assassin's Apprentice! It's a PDF, but it's free, so you can't beat that.
If you miss the give away this month, send me a message and I'll send you a copy of the one I downloaded.