Feb-20-2012, 11:54 PM (UTC)
Well now, an interesting set of characters...you've got quite an imagination going on there! They appear to be well thought out and when they come together or clash it will make for an interesting tale indeed. Well done you!
Now forgive me, but speaking of coming together, I'm still attempting to get my head round Deken 'experimenting' with Kel and her producing several eggs..him being a dragon proper and her being well, not! That'll make for a *pick your chin up off the floor* moment if it's written about in any detail!
Of course, it could all have been done via something similar to the turkey baster method, I suppose! Sorry, I'm being silly now
Pay no attention!
One or two more ramblings:
I can't gauge how tall people are in metric...I'm still working in feet and inches! Help me out here please!
Is the 'Faith' a celibate calling? I assume so as most religious groups in this genre are. Though it would be a refreshing change for them to be able to have relationships. I think I'm thinking of that poor venom-scarred lass (she is of the 'Faith' isn't she?!)
I like the idea of burgundy/maroon eyes and the dark/black ones.
I remember mention of one of the wolf-like characters having a slight forward stoop and who would gladly run on all fours. So, do they walk as humans do at all times, despite their wolfy traits?
That's all I can think of for now, but do let me know if you add more characters to your list!
Now forgive me, but speaking of coming together, I'm still attempting to get my head round Deken 'experimenting' with Kel and her producing several eggs..him being a dragon proper and her being well, not! That'll make for a *pick your chin up off the floor* moment if it's written about in any detail!

One or two more ramblings:
I can't gauge how tall people are in metric...I'm still working in feet and inches! Help me out here please!

Is the 'Faith' a celibate calling? I assume so as most religious groups in this genre are. Though it would be a refreshing change for them to be able to have relationships. I think I'm thinking of that poor venom-scarred lass (she is of the 'Faith' isn't she?!)
I like the idea of burgundy/maroon eyes and the dark/black ones.
I remember mention of one of the wolf-like characters having a slight forward stoop and who would gladly run on all fours. So, do they walk as humans do at all times, despite their wolfy traits?
That's all I can think of for now, but do let me know if you add more characters to your list!