Apr-12-2012, 03:33 PM (UTC)
Time to confess...I had to Google her too ("Shabby Chic creator")because I couldn't even remember her "household name"! 
Despite the fact that I dislike having to live under the SC label, I must respect the fact that Rachel has managed to create great change in thinking by encouraging others (who otherwise may not have) to use secondhand stuff in our mass-produced, throw-away world...someone who can do that, and does do that, deserves my respect.
Oh, crikey! Sometimes this forum thing makes me nuts...it makes me realise just how unaccepting and negative I can be, and then it makes me change my mind!

Despite the fact that I dislike having to live under the SC label, I must respect the fact that Rachel has managed to create great change in thinking by encouraging others (who otherwise may not have) to use secondhand stuff in our mass-produced, throw-away world...someone who can do that, and does do that, deserves my respect.
Oh, crikey! Sometimes this forum thing makes me nuts...it makes me realise just how unaccepting and negative I can be, and then it makes me change my mind!

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."