May-16-2013, 01:30 PM (UTC)
Hi all ! This thread is purely for me to get to know the regulars/old-hands and to integrate myself among you 
It's a simple forum game really; Firstly you make a wish-
-I wish I had wings
The next person to post has to corrupt that wish in whatever manner they choose
-Granted, but they aren't strong enough to attain flight. They are big and hefty, and prevent many everyday tasks; such as sitting in a seat, wearing shirts, and not being ogled and stared at everywhere you go.
After corrupting a wish, you make your own wish - and the cycle continues
Try to make your corrupting as imaginative as possible !
Okay, I'll start us off.
I wish I was witted.

It's a simple forum game really; Firstly you make a wish-
-I wish I had wings

The next person to post has to corrupt that wish in whatever manner they choose

-Granted, but they aren't strong enough to attain flight. They are big and hefty, and prevent many everyday tasks; such as sitting in a seat, wearing shirts, and not being ogled and stared at everywhere you go.
After corrupting a wish, you make your own wish - and the cycle continues

Try to make your corrupting as imaginative as possible !
Okay, I'll start us off.
I wish I was witted.