May-23-2010, 11:43 AM (UTC)
I honestly have no idea, as I've never bought one. I think I saw somewhere that there's a boycott for ebooks that cost more $9.99 (USD). I think people are saying that since the devices are so expensive the books should be priced more fairly. In any case there seems to be a lot of variation between sellers/publishers/formats. With regular books you usually know how much a paperback generally costs, or a hardback, or a nonfiction book about a certain subject etc. (For example, I wouldn't buy a paperback that cost more than 10€ unless I really needed it, but I expect quality hardback nonfiction books about horses to start around 40-50€ - I'm talking new books from brick-and-mortar stones here.) I guess with ebooks there aren't yet such standard prices?
"Green nubs on the dry sticks of the clematis promised that the appearance of death was not death itself." - Ship of Destiny