Apr-25-2015, 11:15 AM (UTC)
German and Polish Neighbors
The latest Megan Lindholm story, Neighbors, is now also available in German and Polish. It was originally published in the anthology Dangerous Women in December 2013, which has now been translated.
The German title for the story is Nachbarn in "Königin im Exil und 20 weitere Kurzromane" and it was published by Blanvalet in paperback the 20th of April 2015. The Polish title for the story is Sąsiedzi in "Niebezpieczne kobiety", published by Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka in hardcover the 26th of January 2015.
The latest Megan Lindholm story, Neighbors, is now also available in German and Polish. It was originally published in the anthology Dangerous Women in December 2013, which has now been translated.
The German title for the story is Nachbarn in "Königin im Exil und 20 weitere Kurzromane" and it was published by Blanvalet in paperback the 20th of April 2015. The Polish title for the story is Sąsiedzi in "Niebezpieczne kobiety", published by Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka in hardcover the 26th of January 2015.