Feb-15-2016, 01:18 PM (UTC)
I was wondering if Chalced might have been ruled by 'bad' dragons and their Elderlings before the cataclysm, and if in particular they had a large number of females, (to explain their contempt for women).
It's just in of the books, I think possibly the last book in the RWC, it's explained that there were wars between dragons from different territories for Silver. And it was implied that dragons more savage beings if they did not drink Silver.
So if a dragon had little or no access to Silver, perhaps they were cruel and perhaps they created cruel Elderlings.
Icefyre certainly has the ability to be cruel and merciless. Spit too - he became much more eloquent and intelligent when he'd had just a sip of Silver.
Just speculating!
It's just in of the books, I think possibly the last book in the RWC, it's explained that there were wars between dragons from different territories for Silver. And it was implied that dragons more savage beings if they did not drink Silver.
So if a dragon had little or no access to Silver, perhaps they were cruel and perhaps they created cruel Elderlings.
Icefyre certainly has the ability to be cruel and merciless. Spit too - he became much more eloquent and intelligent when he'd had just a sip of Silver.
Just speculating!