Jul-17-2010, 02:20 PM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Jul-17-2010, 02:41 PM (UTC) by Farseer.)
Now that I have finished reading the Soldier Son series, I do intend to go back and respond to some of the older posts in the Gernia threads BUT I'd first like to prompt a comparative discussion covering some similarities and differences between the various elements of the Gernian and Elderling worlds.
Like it or not, as I had read this series after much re-reading and study of the RotE books and short stories, I couldn't help but draw comparisons between characters, experiences, situations and themes etc as I progressed through it. These are the things I'd like to try and have us compare here, rather than which series is 'best'.
To get the ball rolling (but feel free to contribute whatever you like!):
Similarities between Nevare and Fitz
* We were introduced to them both whilst they were still young boys and were privy to their overall development into young men.
* Though they didn't always get it right, and though they were divided against themselves for a portion of their lives, they both displayed talent in their given vocations - Nevare as a soldier's son, cadet, soldier and farmer; Fitz as an assassin's apprentice, later the royal assassin and general royal lacky thereafter
* While there were others involved in their training, both had an older mentor with whom they forged a solid, shared and meaningful relationship...Nevare had Sgt Durill and Fitz had Chade.
* Both took on catalytic roles that would prove to change the fates/courses of their worlds. To fulfil these roles, both were strong in their given magic/s.
* Though strong, they were both "like small boys", ignorant and untrained in their wielding of the magic - examples of this would be the frustration displayed by Olikea or Kinrove with Nevare, and Kettle with Fitz.
* Via their magic, both were able to communicate/travel within their dreams. Nevare dreamwalked and Fitz Skill-dreamed.
* Though having escaped many near-death episodes at various times, both 'died' to their old lives (after copping a beating and being accused of murder!) and also reluctantly returned. Both particularly feared that they would be recognised and made to pay for their 'crimes'.
* Despite losing their faith and way at times, both served and stayed true to their families and monarchs.
* Both took in and cared for a boy who was not their own child, but who they treated like, and came to think of as, a son - Likari and Hap.
* Both seemed to have an unsatiable desire and multiple partners (!), but still held to one main 'love' (by this I mean a love like the love Fitz had for Molly, not that which he had for Fool...let's let that debate rage elsewhere!). It could get a bit confusing here between Nevare and Soldier's Boy (as they had Amzil and Tree Woman) but it was Amzil who won out in the end for Nevare, and Molly for Fitz.
* With so many other loftier goals to strive for, they also both pined for the former lives they could not have and also longed for a life of their own...one that was founded on having a home with hearth and family.
* Both lost parts of themselves and then had to have those parts reunited (with help from an external force eg Kinrove and Fool) to be made whole again...though Nevare then unwittingly divided himself once more!
Though I have others, this will do for the time being...I expect enough debate between us all, just on these points
Like it or not, as I had read this series after much re-reading and study of the RotE books and short stories, I couldn't help but draw comparisons between characters, experiences, situations and themes etc as I progressed through it. These are the things I'd like to try and have us compare here, rather than which series is 'best'.
To get the ball rolling (but feel free to contribute whatever you like!):
Similarities between Nevare and Fitz
* We were introduced to them both whilst they were still young boys and were privy to their overall development into young men.
* Though they didn't always get it right, and though they were divided against themselves for a portion of their lives, they both displayed talent in their given vocations - Nevare as a soldier's son, cadet, soldier and farmer; Fitz as an assassin's apprentice, later the royal assassin and general royal lacky thereafter

* While there were others involved in their training, both had an older mentor with whom they forged a solid, shared and meaningful relationship...Nevare had Sgt Durill and Fitz had Chade.
* Both took on catalytic roles that would prove to change the fates/courses of their worlds. To fulfil these roles, both were strong in their given magic/s.
* Though strong, they were both "like small boys", ignorant and untrained in their wielding of the magic - examples of this would be the frustration displayed by Olikea or Kinrove with Nevare, and Kettle with Fitz.
* Via their magic, both were able to communicate/travel within their dreams. Nevare dreamwalked and Fitz Skill-dreamed.
* Though having escaped many near-death episodes at various times, both 'died' to their old lives (after copping a beating and being accused of murder!) and also reluctantly returned. Both particularly feared that they would be recognised and made to pay for their 'crimes'.
* Despite losing their faith and way at times, both served and stayed true to their families and monarchs.
* Both took in and cared for a boy who was not their own child, but who they treated like, and came to think of as, a son - Likari and Hap.
* Both seemed to have an unsatiable desire and multiple partners (!), but still held to one main 'love' (by this I mean a love like the love Fitz had for Molly, not that which he had for Fool...let's let that debate rage elsewhere!). It could get a bit confusing here between Nevare and Soldier's Boy (as they had Amzil and Tree Woman) but it was Amzil who won out in the end for Nevare, and Molly for Fitz.
* With so many other loftier goals to strive for, they also both pined for the former lives they could not have and also longed for a life of their own...one that was founded on having a home with hearth and family.
* Both lost parts of themselves and then had to have those parts reunited (with help from an external force eg Kinrove and Fool) to be made whole again...though Nevare then unwittingly divided himself once more!
Though I have others, this will do for the time being...I expect enough debate between us all, just on these points

"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."