Jul-25-2010, 08:21 AM (UTC)
(This post was last modified: Jul-25-2010, 08:26 AM (UTC) by Farseer.)
If you've ever read the 'Which character is your favourite?' thread, you'll know I'm not a fan of Malta's...still, she is a significant figure who can't be ignored...after all, she DID have a horse named after her
In 'The Mad Ship', two beings fought over her when she walked on Paragon's decks, right before he sailed. She was in company with Paragon and also Amber at the time of this enthralling event (below):
"Perhaps lightning struck her from the still-blue sky. She fell into a roaring black gulf. She tumbled, soundless, through endless black space. Then, from nowhere, a flash of gold appeared. It was too large a shape for her to see it all. In an instant, it loomed too close to her to be seen. Great talons seized her, wrapping around her chest and waist. They squeezed the air from her. She clawed at them, but they were armoured in scales like metal. She could not pry them loose to let herself breathe. Nor did she want to fall to her death if they let go of her. Choose a death, a dragon whispered. That's all you have left, pretty little one. The choice of your death.
No! She is mine, mine! Let her go!
Prey belongs to he who seizes it first!
You are dead. I have still a chance at life. I will not see it snatched from me!
Iridescent silver clashed suddenly with gold. Mountains collided and fought for possession for her. The talons clenched, cutting her in two. I shall kill her before I let you take her!
Malta had no breath to cry out. There was almost nothing left of her at all. These two were so immense; there was no room for her to exist in their world. She was going to blink out like a dying spark. Someone spoke for her. 'Malta is real. Malta exists. Malta is here.' As if she were being wound up like a ball of yarn, the layers of herself were gradually restored to her. Someone held her against the maelstrom of forces that tried to shred her apart. It was like being cupped in warm hands..."
Having learned this from Skill experiences with Fitz, and via the use of her Skill-imbued fingers, no doubt it is Amber who is the one telling Malta she is real and winding up her being like yarn, so she isn't lost within the Skill River. Do you agree?
Also, what are your thoughts as to the identities of the OTHER two beings? I don't believe it now but, when I first ever read it, I thought the golden dragon could actually be Amber as, in AQ, Fitz had described Fool as being like a golden carp within the Skill River and gold also seemed to match his/her colouring changes. I also had theories that made me believe Fool was as dragon-kin as Fitz, so his later taking the form of a dragon within the Skill River wasn't too far-fetched
I also thought that one of the dragons could have been Tintaglia but, as we came to know, Tintaglia was blue, not silver or gold (though, I have to admit, she is described as being a combination of blue and silver at times, but you would think her colouring within the Skill River would be blue, her dominant colour?!).
Could they simply be the two dragons of Paragon fighting for domination within him, as they later do (the Greater and the Lesser) OR is this too obvious, and there is instead something more for us to understand?

In 'The Mad Ship', two beings fought over her when she walked on Paragon's decks, right before he sailed. She was in company with Paragon and also Amber at the time of this enthralling event (below):
"Perhaps lightning struck her from the still-blue sky. She fell into a roaring black gulf. She tumbled, soundless, through endless black space. Then, from nowhere, a flash of gold appeared. It was too large a shape for her to see it all. In an instant, it loomed too close to her to be seen. Great talons seized her, wrapping around her chest and waist. They squeezed the air from her. She clawed at them, but they were armoured in scales like metal. She could not pry them loose to let herself breathe. Nor did she want to fall to her death if they let go of her. Choose a death, a dragon whispered. That's all you have left, pretty little one. The choice of your death.
No! She is mine, mine! Let her go!
Prey belongs to he who seizes it first!
You are dead. I have still a chance at life. I will not see it snatched from me!
Iridescent silver clashed suddenly with gold. Mountains collided and fought for possession for her. The talons clenched, cutting her in two. I shall kill her before I let you take her!
Malta had no breath to cry out. There was almost nothing left of her at all. These two were so immense; there was no room for her to exist in their world. She was going to blink out like a dying spark. Someone spoke for her. 'Malta is real. Malta exists. Malta is here.' As if she were being wound up like a ball of yarn, the layers of herself were gradually restored to her. Someone held her against the maelstrom of forces that tried to shred her apart. It was like being cupped in warm hands..."
Having learned this from Skill experiences with Fitz, and via the use of her Skill-imbued fingers, no doubt it is Amber who is the one telling Malta she is real and winding up her being like yarn, so she isn't lost within the Skill River. Do you agree?
Also, what are your thoughts as to the identities of the OTHER two beings? I don't believe it now but, when I first ever read it, I thought the golden dragon could actually be Amber as, in AQ, Fitz had described Fool as being like a golden carp within the Skill River and gold also seemed to match his/her colouring changes. I also had theories that made me believe Fool was as dragon-kin as Fitz, so his later taking the form of a dragon within the Skill River wasn't too far-fetched

I also thought that one of the dragons could have been Tintaglia but, as we came to know, Tintaglia was blue, not silver or gold (though, I have to admit, she is described as being a combination of blue and silver at times, but you would think her colouring within the Skill River would be blue, her dominant colour?!).
Could they simply be the two dragons of Paragon fighting for domination within him, as they later do (the Greater and the Lesser) OR is this too obvious, and there is instead something more for us to understand?
"I am the Catalyst, and I came to change all things. Prophets become warriors, dragons hunt as wolves."